
A person who would have to field these concerning service animals questions from teachers, parents/legal guardians, and students.

What is a school administrator? 


any dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.

What is a Service Animal? 


Only a dog or a miniature horse can qualify as a “service animal”.

What is Title II and III under the ADA?


A kindergarten student with cerebral palsy’s parents sued the school when it denied their request to bring her service dog to school to aid her. The school argued that it already provided a human aide to do similar job that the service dog does for her. The school lost to her.

What is Fry v. Napoleon Community Schools?


Students or staff with dog __________________ may be adversely affected by the presence of a Service Dog. Schools must balance the needs of all students and staff when considering the inclusion of Service Dogs.

What is Allergies and Phobias?


A person that would need to demonstrate the proper ways to behave around service animals to their students. 

What is a teacher?


Dogs provide emotional support, therapy-like relationship, comforts and security, affections, and attention. 

What is a pet? 


It prohibits discrimination against individuals with a disability in programs that receive federal funding, which includes public schools.

What is the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?


A student with multiple disabilities with a history of seizures requested to bring her dog to school. The dog is trained to detect the stress (cortisol) levels which led to seizures. The school denied her request. The school challenged the idea whether George is qualified as a service dog. The school lost to her.

What is C.G. by and through P.G. v. Saucon Valley School District?


Although Service Dogs are trained to behave appropriately in public, their presence can cause _________________ in a classroom setting. Schools can mitigate the issues by providing training for the school community, which can help people understand the role of a Service Dog and respect its working status.

What is distraction or disruption?


A person who attend school and might have trouble adhering to the rules, especially when it comes to animal in their presence. 

What is a student?


The type of dogs that are allowed to attend school to assist/aid their 'clients'. 

What is a Service Animal? 


It requires states to provide all eligible children with disabilities a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment appropriate to the child’s individual needs.

What is IDEA?


The service dog alerts people nearby to the student's seizures, provides mobility and body support and mitigates the symptoms of his autism. The school refused to allow the dog to go to any school functions. The school lost to him and still refuses to admit wrongdoing.

What is United States of America V. Delran Township School  District?


The inclusion of Service Dogs in classrooms poses logistical challenges. Schools must ensure their facilities are accessible and safe for Service Dogs. To accomplish this, schools must provide water sources and suitable areas for rest.

What is Accommodation and Accessibility?