Pages 202-205
Pages 206-211
Pages 212-215
General Questions
PSSA Questions
Explain how Aero knows when it is a work day.
What is when Officer Mike puts on Aero's collar with the police badge on it?
Tell what Aero does to let Officer Mike knows he needs a break.
What is Aero pushes his head against Officer Mike's head?
Tell how fast Aero can run.
What is forty miles an hour?
Name the genre.
What is nonfiction?
What is an opinion?
It is what someone thinks or feels, but you cannot prove it.
Name Aero's most important job.
What is to help and protect Officer Mike?
Under the section "Signals and Commands", explain one way Aero is different from most dogs.
What is he understands some sign language and some oral commands?
True or False: Anyone can pet or hug Aero.
What is false?
Explain how you know "Aero and Officer Mike" is nonfiction.
What is because it tells about a real dog and a real police officer?
Identify the author's purpose.
What is to give information and facts?
Tell one way Aero and Officer Mike are different.
What is 1. Aero can sniff and find lost children and things and Officer Mike cannot? 2. Aero can run faster than Officer Mike?
Explain what Aero would probably do if he was chasing someone and he came to a six foot high fence.
What is Aero would probably jump over it?
Tell what Aero and Officer Mike do next after their shift.
What is they go to the police station to write their report?
Describe the relationship that exists between Aero and Officer Mike.
What is loving and caring?
Under which heading would you write about what would happen if Aero got sick.
What is "At the Vet's"?
True or False: Aero can play when he is on duty.
What is false?
Tell what is Aero's most important talent.
What is his sense of smell?
Tell what Aero and Officer Mike do next after the report is written.
What is they go home and rest?
Based on information in the passage what conclusion can you draw about K-9 training.
What is that the training is long but needed for the dog to know how to do his job?
Tell under which heading would you find information about Aero and Officer Mike playing in the park.
What is "Time for a Break"?
Identify the main idea of the section called "Work and Play".
What is it explains how Aero and Officer Mike work and play together?
Fact or Opinion: K-9's have very powerful noses hundreds of times more powerful than human noses.
What is fact?
According to the passage explain one way that Aero and Officer Mike are alike.
What is they both wear badges?
Fact or Opinion: They both love being police officers.
What is opinion?
Explain what is true about a statement of fact.
What is it can be seen or proved?