Pages 90-95
Pages 96-99
Pages 100-104
General Questions
PSSA Questions
Tell why the author writes words by the pictures.
What is to explain what the picture shows?
Tell me the main idea on page 96.
What is children learn to read and write?
Tell the main idea of page 101.
What is home schooling?
Tell me the setting of the passage.
What is school?
Tell me the genre of the passage.
What is expository nonfiction?
Tell me what determines the kind of school building children attend.
What is climate and the resources of the community?
Tell me one thing children may learn at school.
What is math, science, art, music, computers, about other countries or their own country?
Tell me one way the children on page 102 are different from other school children.
What is they are performers and spend part of their day practicing the work they do?
Tell me under which heading would you show a picture of children riding a horse to school.
What is "Getting to School"?
Tell the author's purpose for writing "Schools Around the World".
What is to give information and facts.
True or False: School clothing is all the same.
What is false?
Tell me the main idea on page 98.
What is most children do chores at school?
Tell me a subject that was taught in ancient Greece that we do not teach in regular school today.
What is gymnastics?
Tell me what the words written by pictures are called.
What are captions?
Based on the passage tell how are all schools around the world are alike.
What is they bring teachers and learners together? or What is children go there to learn new ideas?
On page 95 tell me one way all schools are alike?
What is 1. teachers help students learn? 2. children do homework in groups or alone? 3. children eat lunch or snack at school? 4. children have time to play? 5. children take class trips, too?
Name one chore children may do at school.
What is 1. keep the classroom neat and clean? 2. keep the schoolyard neat and clean? 3. serve lunch to one another? 4. set up the classroom?
True or False: Adults can attend school.
What is true?
Tell one way your school is similar to other schools mentioned in the passage?
What is: teacher will decide
Tell under which heading would you find a student erasing the board.
What is : "School Chores" ?
On page 93 tell me one way that is different in how children get to school.
What is walk, ride bikes, ride in cars, buses, trains or boats?
On page 99 tell me one thing children may do after school.
What is 1. tutoring? 2. learn about dance, music, their own culture?
Tell me one reason why children may go to a boarding school.
What is when they need to live away from home or learn different skills?
Tell me one way your school is different from the schools mentioned in the passage.
What is: teacher will decide
Tell me under which heading you would find a parent teaching their child.
What is : "Home Schooling" ?