He Who?
Where was it?
Power Play
All Together Now
Image Making
He knew he knew nothing
Who was Socrates

Thanks to Russia, Prussia, and Austria, for awhile there it wasn't there

What is Poland?

The source of royal power, according to Charles I
What is Divine Right

All five of them were Renaissance artists

Who are Michelangelo, Raphael, Da Vinci, Botticelli, Donatello, Van Eyck, Bruegal

He put her on a shell
What is how Botticelli depicted the Birth of Venus?
He was the state
Who was Louis XIV of France?
It came to mean 'appeasement'
What is Munich? ()reference to the Munich Agreement, in which major powers consented to let Hitler take over the Sudetenland in Western Czechoslovakia in exchange for him promising not to ask for anything else. Yeah, that worked.)
The source of government power, according to Locke
What is the consent of the governed?

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Estates

Who were the French clergy, nobility and big catch-all group including the new bourgeois middle class, urban workers, and peasants

The Roman strategy for keeping the mob happy
What is Bread and Circuses?
He thought, therefore he was
Who was Renee Descartes?
What was the meaning of the title of Thomas More's Utopia?
Without this, a legislature has very little genuine ability to affect policy.
What is the Power of the Purse?

These are Henry VIII's two daughters and their respective moms

Who are Mary, Elizabeth, Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn?

To fight an enemy that isn't really there
What is "Tilting at Windmills?"

He asserted that populations grow and grow as the food supply grows, and then surpass it to extinction

Who was Malthus?

It was here that a treaty was signed - a development to which could be attributed the fact that Brazilians speak Portuguese
What is Tordesillas

This is the fundamental distinction between executive and legislative powers

What is "the legislature crafts the plan of government (ie. writes the law) and the executive carries out that plan (ie. executes it)"?


Many cultures achievements were brought together in this - Greek, Palestinian, Egyptian, Persian, even Indian

What was the Hellenistic era (ushered in by Alexander the Great's conquests)?

To present something accurately; to "tell it like it is."
What is "warts and all"
These two folks, more than 2000 years apart, brought their country to victory in a time of crisis, then voluntarily gave up power before they had to.

Who were Cincinnatus and George Washington?

That was the setting for that list of four important turning points in European History
What is Versailles and 1) a project by Louis XIV that demonstrated his SunKingNess and created debt 2) the place from which the Women's Bread March extracted Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette 3) the humiliating french surrender after the Franco-Prussian War 4) the negotiation of a treating demanding reparations from Germany for WWI

A 'scientific' study revealed that all history is this.

What is "a struggle between the Haves and the Have Nots"? (The 'scientific study' of course was Karl Marx's historical research, explained in the Communist Manifesto)


All four of these trace their roots to Calvinism

What are Huguenots, Puritans, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists (Baptists, Amish, Quakers too, though less directly)?

She spent so much time getting the matching perfect that she left the essay blank and flunked the test
What is a Pyrrhic victory?