Florida Grows
Boom and Bust
Great Depression
Civil Rights
Improvements to this innovation allowed the phosphate industry, as well as others, to grow and expand.
What is Railroads
Independent can be defined as this
What is free
Florida's "Boom" happened because of this.
What is People wanted life to be fun again, so they began traveling and became tourists to the state.
This "crashed", causing banks to close and creating the start to the Great Depression
What is the stock market
Civil Rights can be defined as this.
What are the rights of every individual to be treated equally under the law.
This is "all businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service."
What is Industry
This war was started when a ship in the harbor of Cuba was bombed, and the US lost 266 soldiers.
What is The Spanish American War
This caused a disease of Florida's Citrus crops and contributed to the "Bust"
What is Fruit Flies
1 in 4 people lost their jobs due to this.
What is businesses closing due to loss of income.
This is " the act of bringing the races together." It is the opposite of segregation.
What is Integration
These two men helped Florida by building railroads across the state.
Who are Henry Ford and Henry Plant
The U.S. got involved in this war because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
What is World War II
A Depression can be defined as this.
What is a period of economic disaster, or severe hardship
This caused economic hardship across the country.
What is The Great Depression
Rosa Parks is well known for this act of civil disobedience.
What is Not giving up her seat to a white person on the bus.
These are the effects of immigration on Florida
What are new foods, different languages, new customs, dress, and music.
These structures helped the war effort during World War II by becoming a place for soldiers to sleep and train, as opposed to the army having to build new buildings.
What are hotels.
Advancements in these three types of transportation made it easier for people to travel around Florida
What are, planes, trains, and automobiles.
Franklin Roosevelt created this plan to put people to work building schools, highways, and state parks. This helped to slowly improve the economy for the country and bring it out of the Great Depression.
What is The New Deal
These two types of protests helped to get laws altered in favor of black Americans.
What is civil disobedience and boycotting
These four industries were essential to Florida's economy, along with Phosphate.
What is Timber, Cattle, Citrus, Cigars
When wars were over, Florida's economy was helped because of these reasons.
What are More people came to live, the soldiers were new customers for businesses, the military had created new harbors where things could be shipped.
These factors were some of the reasons behind Florida's Land "bust".
What are Dishonest People, hot summers, and hurricanes.
These two individuals helped Florida's recovery from the Great Depression.
Who are Majorie Kinnan Rawlings and Alfred DuPont
This is the reason that it was so important for the civil rights movement to happen.
What is Separate but Equal was not equal.