The library has that?
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Log in here first to search the library.

What is Atlas?


This service delivers books from colleges and universities across the state of Florida to any Valencia campus.

What is Interlibrary Loan?


These type of books can be accessed from anywhere on your computer or smart device. Access them anytime from the Online Library.

What are eBooks?


A website that is written and edited by users, without verification of their expertise. These are not considered scholarly sources.

What is a Wiki or Wikipedia?


Calculators, laptops, iPads, and chargers can be checked out from the library for this amount of time. 

What is four hours?


This tab allows you to browse databases with an academic discipline if you aren't sure where start.

What is "Databases by Subject"?


Feeling inspired by the latest Marvel movie? This collection will keep you entertained.

What are graphic novels?


The process of in which published content is evaluated by experts within the same field.

What is peer-review?


Short for "Organization", this web domain does NOT mean that a website is credible. The user must look for other clues to verify the authors credibility.

What is .org?


Whether they use the Dewey Decimal System or Library of Congress, these characters located on the lower spine of the book help you locate an item on the shelf.

What is a call number?


When searching for articles in a database, research should typically be no older than this number of years.

What is 3-5 years?


Study group? Reserve one of these for two hours at a time up to two months in advance. 

What is a group study room?


These type of sources were created at the time of the study, i.e. diaries, recordings, speeches, photographs, raw data, etc. 

What are primary sources?


Useful when creating search terms, these different words mean the same thing.

What are synonyms?


Interested in 3D design? The librarian can teach you how to use this tool.

What is the 3D printer?


This database is first in the list, and a favorite for gathering research on any topic. 

What is Academic OneFile?


Make an appointment or drop in and speak to this person if you need help finding sources.

Who is the librarian?


This section of an academic journal provides a summary of the article's contents. `

What is an abstract?


The bibliographic information provided to your professor in a reference page. This is often available on an article page within a database.

What is a citation?


A place for students who want a study space free of distractions.

What is the quiet study room?


To put things into Context... This database provides an on overview of an individual's life, along with accompanying credible sources. Use this database where you might otherwise turn to Wikipedia.

What is "Biography in Context"?


Takes high quality pictures of books and converts into a PDF. Great for copying longer sections of textbooks. 

What is the high speed scanner?


Selecting this check box will ensure that you receive complete articles in your search results and will exclude article summaries. 

What is "Full-Text"?


This domain indicates an educational institution and must be proved by accreditation paperwork. 

What is .edu?


Need a book to read between class? Have a book you no longer read? Put it here.

What is the tiny library?