Fluid Rates
Solutions & Dilutions
Medical Equations
If an animal weighs 566 kilograms (kg), how many pounds (lb) is that to the nearest lb?
What is 1245?
If the animal weighs 350 kilograms (kg) and the dosage rate is 6 mg/kg, the appropriate dose (g) to administer would be to the nearest 0.1 gram.
What is 2.1
Ordered: 1000ml over 6 hours IV set 15 gtts/ml
What is 42 gtts/ min?
What percentage is 80 milliliters (mL) of 2.4 liters? Give your answer to the nearest 0.01 percent.
What is 3.33?
You need to calculate an infusion rate using the following equation: Q =0.693* Vd*Ctarget/halflife. If you want to infuse a drug with Vd = 1.6 L/kg, Ctarget = 0.9 mg/L, and the halflife is 4 hours, what would be the correct infusion rate in micrograms/kg/hr to the nearest 10 micrograms/kg/hr?
What is 250?
If a liquid dose is 270 milliliters (ml), how many liquid ounces is that to the nearest ounce?
What is 9?
Order-Ampicillin 0.5 gm Drug available-Ampicillin 250 mg per 5 ml
What is 10ml?
Ordered: 500 ml over 4 hours IV set 10 gtt/ml
What is 21 gtts/ min?
How many milligrams (mg) are in 12 milliliters of a 4.3 % solution? Give your answer to the nearest milligram (mg).
What is 516?
You seek to give a "loading dose" of the antimicrobial cephalexin to a foal to achieve 8 times the MIC of a suspected organism (0.5 micrograms/ml). The formula describing the relationship between the peak drug concentration and the dosage is described by the following equation: Loading Dosage (mg/kg) = Vd (liters/kg)*Target Concentration (mg/liter). If the Volume of Distribution is 0.25 liters/kg, what would be the correct loading dose (mg) to administer to a foal weighing 150 kilograms?
What is 150?
If a liquid dose is 6 tablespoons (Tbspn), how many milliliters (ml) is that to the nearest 5 ml?
What is 90?
You need to treat a cat which weighs 9 pounds, the dosage is 14 milligrams/kilogram (mg/kg) and the concentration of drug in the bottle is 9 milligrams/milliliter (mg/ml). Calculate the actual volume (ml) of drug to be given per dose to the nearest 0.1 ml.
What is 6.4?
Ordered: 100 ml over 20 min IV set 15 gtts/ ml
What is 75 gtts/ min?
The safe upper limit of fluid administration rate in a dog is considered to be administration of the equivalent of the blood volume (80 ml/kg) in the period of one hour. If you are treating a dog for shock associated with a gastric torsion, and the dog weighs 60 pounds, what is that upper safe limit (ml/hour) to the nearest ml/hour?
What is 2182?
You have 5 cats that are being treated with DepoMedrol (TM) for a period of 8 weeks. Every cat receives one injection every 2 weeks. The dose used on the cats is 5.5 mg/kg SQ. The bottle sizes are 20 mL each at a concentration of 20 mg/ml. You want to make sure he has enough drug on hand to treat all 5 cats. How many full bottles do you need to provide the owner to treat all cats? The cat weights are, respectively, 8, 7.5, 9.5, 11, and 13 lbs.
What is 2?
A drug residue for the kidney of a cow reports that the antimicrobial gentamicin is present a 187 parts per billion (ppb). How many milligrams of gentamicin per kilogram (mg/kg) of tissue is that?
What is 0.187?
If the dose of atropine is 0.02 mg/lb and comes in 0.5 mg/mL vials, how many mL would you have to draw up for pre-anesthetic preparation of a dog for surgery if the animal weighs 4 kilograms (kg)? Give your answer to the nearest 0.1 ml.
What is 0.4 ml?
Ordered: 250ml/hr IV set 15 gtts/ml
What is 63 gtts/ min?
You want to rehydrate a foal weighing 250 kilograms (kg). The foal is 6% dehydrated and you want to replace the fluids by a continuous IV drip over an 8 hour period. How many mL/minute (to the nearest ml/min) would you have to give to achieve rehydration in 8 hours?
What is 31?
For a drug eliminated in first-order fashion, Halflife =ln(2)/k. If the halflife is 48 hours, what would be the percent(%) of drug eliminated from plasma in 1 hour? Give your answer to the nearest 0.1 percent.
What is 1.4?
If a dose is 3 grains, how many milligrams (mg) is that to the nearest milligram?
What is 194?
You need to use digoxin to treat congestive heart failure for an 8.3 kg dog. To avoid toxicity, you dose according to lean body weight is 60% of total weight. The recommended digoxin dose is 0.22 mg/m2. How many mL of the digoxin elixir should this dog get with each dose if the elixir is packaged as comes in a 0.15 mg digoxin/mL of elixir? Give your answer to the nearest 0.1 ml.
What is 0.4?
Ordered: 1000 ml in 3 hours IV set 10 gtts/ml
What is 56 gtts/min?
A cat has not been eating, is hypokalemic, and and you would like to administer a solution of 30 milliequivalents per liter (meq/L) of K+. You have available potassium chloride (KCl) in 10 milliliter (mL) vials containing 2 meq of potassium. How many milliliters of KCl do you need to add to 250 milliliters of normal saline to achieve this concentration? Give your answer to the nearest 0.1 ml and presume that you will remove an equivalent amount of saline from the bottle before adding.
What is 37.5?
The equation for Body Surface Area (BSA) (meters squared) (m^2) in cats is = 10.4 * BW(^0.67)/100. If a cat weighs 5 kilograms (kg), what would be its estimated BSA in m^2? Give your answer to the nearest 0.1 m^2.
What is 0.3?