Walt Disney
Creation of Mickey Mouse
Golden age of animation and wartime era
Expansion into TV, parks, and more
Disney today

After performing this procedure in September 1918, Disney served in the Red Cross as an ambulance driver.

What is age fabrication?


Before Mickey Mouse, this "peppy, alert, saucy and venturesome" character was the de facto mascot of Disney from 1927 up until Disney's loss of his IP rights to Universal in 1928.

Who is Oswald the Lucky Rabbit?

Nicknamed "Disney's Folly" after news of the project leaked out, this film would go on to receive high praise from critics and audiences and would kick off what was known as the "Golden age of animation."

What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?


This broadcaster provided funding for Disney to expand into television with the successful Walt Disney's Disneyland, and today is owned by Disney.

What is the American Broadcasting Company (ABC)?


This fellow "Bob" returned as CEO of The Walt Disney Company in 2022, replacing Bob Chapek.

Who is Bob Iger?


Before establishing Walt Disney Animation Studio, Disney sold these cartoons to his local Newman theater.

What are Newman's Laugh-O-Grams?


This was the original name for Mickey Mouse, though Walt Disney's wife thought the name was too pompous.

What is Mortimer Mouse?


This war was the reason both Pinocchio and Fantasia performed terribly at the box office when they both premiered in 1940.

What is World War II?


The grand opening of this theme park in July 1955 reached 70 million viewers when it was broadcast on ABC.

What is Disneyland?


In 1995 and totaling $19 billion dollars, what was at the time the second-largest corporate takeover in history yielded Disney this T.V. sports empire.

What is ESPN?


After the U.S. entered World War II, Disney established this division of The Walt Disney Company, which produced instructional films for the military.

 What is the Walt Disney Training Films Unit?


Before Steamboat Willie, this was the debut short for Mickey Mouse.

What is Plane Crazy?


After the success of Snow White, Disney used the funds to move into their current headquaters in this Californian city.

What is Burbank?


This park served as the inspiration for Walt Disney's construction of "some kind of amusement enterprise built where the parents and the children could have fun together."  

What is Griffith Park?

This global pandemic forced the temporary closure of all of Disney's theme parks, delayed the release of several movies, and stopped all operations on it's cruise line.

What is the COVID-19 pandemic?


This action Walt Disney did since he was a young man led to his diagnoses of and eventual death by lung cancer.

What is smoking?


To improve the quality of music in their shorts, Disney hired this composer and arranger

Who is Carl Stalling?


In order to reverse the financial crisis they incurred after the bombing of both Pinocchio and Fantasia, Disney and his brother Roy implemented several measures, including offering an IPO (Initial Public Offering) and this measure, which drew the ire of his animators and led to a 1941 animators' strike.

What are salary cuts?


Before the success of Walt Disney's Disneyland, this special, which aired on NBC in 1950, was Disney's first foray into television, and was used to promote their next animated film, which ended up being a commercial failure.

What is One Hour in Wonderland?


This period from 1989 to 1999 gave Disney a huge number of highly successful and critically acclaimed animated films.

What is the Disney Renaissance?


Before his death, Walt Disney was working on this unfinished concept for a planned community, which was to be a new type of city, with intentions of being a utopian autocratic company town.

What is EPCOT?


On July 24, 1930, Joseph Conley, the president of this content distributor, wrote to the Disney studio and asked them to make a Mickey Mouse comic strip.

What is King Features Syndicate?

During the animators' strike of 1941, Disney fired many of his animators after publicly accusing them of being involved in a conspiracy involving this ideology.

What is communism?


This five-part miniseries premiered as part of Walt Disney's Disneyland in December 1954, and was described as "an overnight national sensation."  

What is Davy Crockett?


Teaming up with this computer division of Lucasfilm, Disney released Toy Story in 1995, which was the first-ever fully computer-generated film and had critical and commercial success.

What is Pixar?