Research Methodology
Sampling Procedures
Data Collection and Scoring
Learning Outcome

What research method was utilized for the quantitative design assignment?

What is a survey method?


How many participants ultimately took the survey?

What is 12 students?


What type of questions were used in the survey?

What are closed-ended quantitative questions?


What impacts youths willingness to seek help?

What is stigma associated with mental health.


What online survey platform was utilized for data collection in the study on youth mental health attitudes?

What is SurveyMonkey?


What factors influenced the sampling procedure for the study?

What is convenience and purposive methods?


How was the Likert-scale used in the survey questionnaire?

What is to measure agreement or disagreement with statements related to youth mental health on a scale from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree"?


Which influencing factors were identified as impacting youth mental health outcomes according to survey responses?

What are family dynamics, relationships, academics, and financial status?


What was the intended sample size for the pilot survey?

What is 25 participants?


How was the sample population for the survey selected?

What is convenience sampling, drawing from adults enrolled in the CYC research methods course at Humber College?


How were responses scored for analysis?

What is assigning numerical values to each response?


What are the ethical considerations that were implemented?

What is participants given the option to skip questions in our survey if they didn't feel like answering or if it was personal to them.