Health and Physical Activity
Grab Bag

Dynamic and static are examples of _________.

What is flexibility?

The number one reason youth tend to drop out of youth sport is _________.

What is:

They are no longer having fun?


The leader of progressive education.

Who is John Dewey?


Recommended amount of physical activity for children per day.

What is 60 minutes?


True or False: Taking a student’s BMI is an accurate and appropriate way to measure their overall health.

What is false?


Health related fitness component is the focus of training with the idea of improving aerobic endurance

What is cardiorespiratory endurance?


When participants' intrinsic motives (fun, want to play) prevail, the organization and structure of physical activity become one of ____.

What is play?


Philosophy that focuses on research and a scientific method to arrive at the truth

What is realism?


The number 1 cause of hypokinetic disease is _____.

What is inactivity?


List the 3 of the 6 skill-related fitness components.

What is:

-reaction time







Jogging, walking and biking while keeping a high heart rate and having a difficult time breathing while exercising is an example of what kind of Cardiovascular activity. (hint: with oxygen)

What is aerobic activity?


When a sport has developed a set of standardized rules, established the role of the official and become associated with a governing body, it is called ____.

What is institutionalized sport?


Definition of Philosophy.

System of values by which one lives and works

  • Represents your values

  • Guides your decision making

  • Must be backed by your behavior/actions


Which of the following types of fitness is most important to improving/maintaining health? 

  • Physical fitness     

  • Skill performance     

  • Motor performance fitness     

  • Aesthetic fitness     

What is physical fitness?


Explain the importance of fitness testing in PE.

What is: 

-great way to monitor and assess students' ability as it relates to aerobic fitness, strength, and flexibility

-provides a foundation to teach goal setting

-personalized learning--can motivate students to work hard in class and reach their goals


Provide TWO examples of how you could train muscular endurance.

What is:

-holding the plank, wall sit, v-sit, etc

-low weight and high reps


Name ONE of the potential risks of having children specialize in sport at too young of an age.

Early dropout          

Overuse injuries      

Possibility of burnout

Loss of enjoyment


TWO things that influence a person's teaching philosophy.

What is:

-present values



-successes and failures

-learning processes

-past experiences

-religion and spirituality

-ethics and morals


Short sprints (running as fast as you can) would be classified as? (hint: without oxygen)

What is anaerobic activity?


As a PE professional our job is to _______. 

What is: 

  • motivate and inspire the younger generation to lead a healthy and active lifestyle 

  • instill a love for movement 

  • increase students’ confidence and competence in movement patterns 

  • Teach skills and knowledge related to fitness and physical activity


List and define the 5 health-related components of fitness.

Cardiorespiratory Endurance

Muscular Endurance

Muscular Strength


Body Composition


Name TWO things that someone could do to balance their role as both a teacher and a coach.

What is:

-Manage their time (block out specific times to do certain tasks)

-Set priorities

-Don't work on coaching things during your school day

-Using down time/travel time to work on school stuff only when necessary

-Connect with all students not just athletes during the school day

-Make space for self-care and family time--get enough sleep, eat nutritiously, etc

-Delegate responsibilities when possible

-Say no when you need to 


List the 6 traditional philosophies and select ONE to explain in greater detail.

  • Idealism

  • Realism

  • Pragmatism

  • Naturalism

  • Existentialism

  • Humanism


Summarize each of the 5 SHAPE National Standards for Physical Education. 

What is: 

1-motor skills

2-knowledge of strategies, tactics of those movements

3-fitness and personal wellness

4-personal and social responsibility

5-enjoyment, value, and feelings around PA


Name the four main fitness assessments AND what health component they assess.

What is: 

-push-ups -- muscular strength

-curl-ups -- muscular endurance

-pacer --aerobic capacity/cardiorespiratory endurance

-sit-and-reach -- flexibility