Enlightenment Spreads
Enlightenment Concepts
Chain Reaction
American Revolution
Another name for the Enlightenment..
What is the Age of Reason?
These were informal meeting where many philolsophes shared their ideas.
What are Salons?
Every human being was born with and most Enlightenment writers believed that government's role was to protect them.
What are natural rights?
This war led to the end of the British policy of salutary neglect and them imposing new taxes/acts on the colonies.
What is the French and Indian War?
As king of England, his policies after the French and Indian War were largely responsible for angering the American colonists.
Who is King George III?
In his work Two Treatises on Government he argued that the social contract could be broken if government did not protect natural rights.
Who is John Locke?
28-volume collection of knowledge edited by Diderot and published between 1751 and 1772 that helped spread enlightenment ideas.
What is the Encyclopedia?
In France, these persons were known for their embrace of Enlightenment ideas, which they often wrote about.
What are philosophes?
When Britain repealed the Stamp tax they replaced it with this tax on "luxuries."
What is the Townshend Act?
This event in Boston harbor is considered to be the spark that ignited the American Revolution.
What is the Boston Tea Party?
In her work, Vindication on the Rights of Women, she argued that custom, not nature, made woman inferior to man and that women have the same capacity to reason as men, thus, are by nature equal to them.
Who is Mary Wollstonecraft?
He was known for championing religious toleration and freedom of speech. Also known for his satire.
Who is Voltaire?
Adam Smith used this term to describe his ideal economy in which the government interfered very little in the economy.
What is laissez faire?
This was the colonists famous protest to the British Tea Act in 1773.
What is the Boston Tea Party?
These were the group of Americans that supported independence from Britain.
What are patriots?
In his work,Spirit of the Laws, he argued that good government must not allow power to be concentrated in any single branch of government but rather there must be a "separation of powers."
Who is Montesquieu?
These were published in places like London and Paris a helped to increase literacy and spread enlightenment ideas.
What are newspapers and magazines?
This term is used to describe a monarch who has absolute power over his or her subjects but still chooses to embrace Enlightened reforms.
What is an enlightened despot?
This became a famous slogan issued in the Virginia House of Burgesses in reaction to the Stamp Act in 1765.
What is "No Taxation Without Representation?"
This group of colonists opposed independence from Britain for a variety of reasons but mainly because trade with Britain benefitted them directly.
What are loyalists?
In his work,The Social Contract, he argued that laws must reflect the "general will" or common good.
Who is Rousseau?
American politician who was influenced by Locke's writings and authored the Declaration of Independence.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
The "freedoms" promoted by both Voltaire and Becarria show up in these first 10 amendments to our U.S. Constitution.
What are the Bill of Rights?
In 1775 in Massachusetts, these were called "The Shot Heard Around the World" and were the first battles of the American Revolution.
What are the Battles of Lexington and Concord?
This event is often considered the turning point in the war for independence because it convinced the French to openly support the American cause.
What is the Battle of Saratoga?