Joint & Movement Type
Fun Biomechanics #1
Fun Biomechanics #2
This is the main neurotransmitter that travels across the synaptic cleft in a motor neuron.
What is acetylcholine?
These are the 6 kinds of synovial joints.
What are gliding, condyloid, hinge, saddle, pivot, gliding?
This quality has both magnitude and direction.
What is a vector?
The neck and base of the skull is a great example of a.....
What is a 1st class lever?
This states that the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables - the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object.
What is Newton's 2nd Law?
This is the enzyme that breaks down the main neurotransmitter in motorneurons.
What is cholinesterase?
1. This is the type of muscle contraction occurring when sarcomeres are shortening while contracting. 2. This is the type of muscle contraction occurring when sarcomeres are neither shortening or lengthening while contracting.
What is concentric & isometric?
This is how far and object has moved in a given direction
What is displacement?
This where the effort lies between the load (resistance) and the fulcrum.
What are 3rd class levers?
When positive and negative impulses on a graph are equal, it shows a runner.....
What is running at a constant velocity?
This is the thick filament in the sarcomere.
What is myosin?
The way the biceps and the triceps work together is an example of....
What is reciprocal inhibition?
When a person applies a force over a certain time then we can say that they have applied a/an.....
What is an impulse?
This is why the Frosbury flop is a more efficient technique then the scissor jump.
What is not having to raise the COM as high in order to clear a bar of the same height?
This type of muscle contraction typically leads to the greatest amount of DOMS.
What are eccentric contractions?
This muscle fiber type that primarily produces energy from oxygen and glucose for muscle contraction as well as uses stored energy.
Type I
This is the name of the plane that has to do with movement going from front to back or vice versa.
What is sagittal plane?
In terms of physics, this is why athletes wear helmets and padding in contact sports.
What is increase the contact time of an impact (thus decreasing the force applied).
This is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion.
What is inertia?
These contract (usually isometrically) to prevent unwanted actions of the agonists or antagonists when undergoing movement.
What are synergists or neutralizer muscles?
This zone shrinks or disappears during muscle contraction.
What is the H zone?
This is the movement type where body motion moves (NOT rotates) towards the center/middle of the body.
What is adduction?
This is the axis for all free airborne rotations.
What is center of mass?
On one side of the sphere the velocity will be enhanced. On the opposite side the velocity will be decreased creating a pressure differential. This describes....
What is the Magnus Effect?
Create a bullet point list of the steps of muscle contraction, and how muscle contraction stops, once the electrical signal has reached the motor end plate. Minimum 6 steps.
■ The signal travels through the muscle fibers stimulating the sarcoplasmic reticulum where it releases calcium (Ca2+) ■ Calcium binds to troponin on the tropomyosin which causes it to move and reveal the mysosin binding sites on the actin. ATP on the Myosin head is hydrolysed to form ADP + Phosphate ■ Cross bridge formed - myosin heads are shaped like little golf clubs and it is the ends of the heads that attach to the actin. Myosin head remains bound until ATP molecule releases it. As long as there is calcium available cross bridge formation will continue until maximum contraction of the muscle fiber is reached. ■ The motor neuron initiates a resting potential through repolarization. Cholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down acetylcoline, is released and cause the muscle cell to repolarize and relax. ■ Calcium ions are removed from the cell and returned to the sarcosplasmic reticulum via the calcium pump ■ Cross bridge formation is terminated as there is no calcium which means the myosin binding sites on the actin filament are covered by tropomyosin. Myosin heads to a resting state.