Nativism + Dust Bowl
New Deal Acts
New Deal Programs
New Deal Impacts

How did the U.S attempt to slow/stop immigration from south/eastern Europe?

Attempted to slow immigration through the Quota System or Emergency Quota Act which set fixed ratios of immigrants allowed to come into the U.S


What were fireside chats and their significance?

What was Bank Holiday and its significance?

FDR's broadcasts on the radio which established a more intimate relationship between the president and American public unlike before; informed and reassured Americans about issues and established a trustworthy relationship

FDR shutting down all the banks to provide more federal regulation of banks and to restore the public's trust in banks


What was the Glass Steagall Act and its significance?

Created the Federal Depart Insurance Corporation (FDIC), ensured deposits up to $2,500 and prevented banks from making risky investments with customer deposits; separated commercial and investment banking 


What was the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and its significance?

Employed 1/3 of the unemployed and built infrastructure; attempt to restore the economy 


How were women and minorities treated during the New Deal?

Advised in many of the New Deal programs as some were incorporated within the government and the needs of these groups were recognized and were employed or benefitted to an extent; however discrimination was still apparent as black Americans were segregated (FDR was afraid of Southern Democrats retracting their vote)- such as in the WPA and some benefits were not extended to Asian immigrants and the needs of women were not specifically addressed


Who was Sacco and Vanzetti and their significance?

Italian immigrants who believed in anarchism/communism and were persecuted and executed because of their foreign descent, beliefs in anarchy; demonstrated a nativist hysteria and Red Scare during the 1920s (which violated the rights of Americans as they were imprisoned for differing beliefs), unfair judicial system


How did FDR expand the role of the government?

The government now had a responsibility for the well-being of its citizens (social welfare state) and increased its involvement in economy during the New Deal 


What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) and its significance?

Began direct federal regulation of farm economy and paid farmers to decrease production (or kill/burn crops and livestock; less supply = more expensive prices) in order to increase prices (to solve the problem to overproduction which lowered prices); briefly stabilized the farm economy but subsidies were not distributed equally and went to large/medium farm owners


What was the Public Works Administration (PWA) and its significance?

Construction program along with the CWA that provided jobs for 4 million Americans by repairing, building infrastructure such as highways and other public buildings; reduced unemployment and supported values of individualism


How did the New Deal organize business and agriculture through the AAA and NRA and what programs replaced them after being deemed unconstitutional?

The AAA began direct federal regulation of farm economy and paid farmers to decrease production- was replaced by the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act; the NRA (National Industrial Recovery Act) authorized the president to regulate industry for fair wages and prices to stimulate economic recovery and was replaced the National Recovery Administration (NRA)- both were deemed unconstitutional as the federal government attempted to regulate industry or agriculture


Who is A. Mitchell Palmer and their significance?

What are Palmer raids and their significance?

Attorney general who was mailed a bomb believed to be from anarchists, socialists; oversaw the Palmer raids and influenced the effects of the Red Scare

The Palmer raids were directed towards radical organizations where federal agents arrested citizens and aliens and denied access to court- some were deported; demonstrated the impact of the Red Scare and the violation of the constitutional rights of Americans 


How did FDR amend the definition of "liberty for all?"

Believed that "liberty for all" was achieved through the government assisting its citizens rather than lesser government intervention and free market policies


What was the National (Industrial) Recovery Act (NRA or NIRA) and its significance?

The NRA authorized the president to regulate industry for fair wages and prices to stimulate economic recovery; regulated fair trade codes and guaranteed laborers right to collective bargaining


What was the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and its significance?

The SEC is a commission established in order to regulate the stock market and had powers to determine to how stocks/bonds were sold to public, set rules for credit transactions, prevent stock sales with those who had inside information; in order to prevent future market crashes, protected investors, and now put rules for the stock market


What changes did the New Deal undertake during the late 30s and what was the growing opposition towards it like?

The New Deal became more focused on progressivism and social welfare during the 30s as compared to its earlier years; some believed it to be a transition to socialism, some believed that FDR was exercising too much federal power


What were the causes for the rise of the KKK and their effect on politics?

Causes for the rise of the KKK in the 1920s were nativism (fear of foreign influence; popular during this time due to foreign policy and Red Scare), Protestant reinforcement of Prohibition, rise of anti-semitism; enforced Prohibition through violence, many governors were elected through KKK support, prevented other groups such as blacks and Catholics from attaining political and social power


How did the Supreme Court display hostility towards New Deal policies and what was FDR's court packing plan?

The Supreme Court struck down many New Deal as they deemed them to be unconstitutional; as an attempt to diminish their influence, FDR proposed to add a new justice to the Court for every member over the age of 70 (would bring new judges each time legislation was proposed to shift political balance) 


What was the National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act and its significance?

Protected workers' right to organize and engage in collective bargaining, established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB); legislation after the Supreme Court voided NIRA


What was the Civil Works Administration (CWA) and its significance?

What was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and its significance?

Along with the PWA, put millions of men and women to work to build infrastructure (similar to the PWA as well)

After the CWA lapsed, the CCC replaced it and mobilized young men to build national infrastructure and do environmental conservation work; combated unemployment


What are the arguments of defenders and critics of the New Deal?

What was the American Liberty League and its significance?

The New Deal helped improve the livelihood of ordinary Americans, alleviate poverty and unemployment; some criticized the New Deal for not doing enough for the poor, some believed it to be a transition to socialism, some believed that FDR was exercising too much federal power reminiscent to tyranny

The American Liberty League was made up of Republican business leader and conservative Democrats who called New Deal reforms to be reckless spending and socialist; opposition against the New Deal


What were the causes of the Dust Bowl?

Farmers removing native vegetation from the Great Plains which led to the erosion of topsoil, poor agricultural practices, drought

These farmers that migrated looking for refuge and employment were called "Okies"


What was the New Deal and its significance (how did reduce the effects of the Depression and its effect on labor/labor management)?

The New Deal was a series of programs in order to combat the Depression, boost economy, stimulate industrial recovery, ended rugged individualism; created programs to quell unemployment, stabilized wages and controlled agricultural production; recognized the workers' right to organize, put many to work through federal programs (relief, recovery, reform)


What was the Social Security Act/Administration and its significance?

Had old age pensions, compensation for the unemployed, payments for widowed mothers and the disabled; a step to U.S social welfare as the state before had not assumed responsibility for the well-being of its citizens 


What was the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and its significance?

What was the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and its significance?

Created under the Glass-Steagall Act, the FDIC protects the money of depositors in insured bank in case of a bank failure

TVA was FDR's attempt to modernize the South; offered loans to farmers to install power lines for more access to electricity for homes and businesses (more convenience for Southerners and industrial/agricultural development that urban cities had), replanted forests, installed flood control


Who is Father Coughlin and their significance?

Who is Huey Long and their significance?

Priest that was a critic of the New Deal as he believed that the New Deal did not do enough ensure social welfare for all citizens (urged FDR to nationalize banks) and influenced much of the public with his speeches on the radio

Long was a popular senator that he and his society (Share Our Wealth) argued that wealth was not equally distributed which prevented ordinary people from buying goods; advocated a progressive tax on high income and inheritance
