Mastication, protection, digestion, speech, esthetics
This is the groove separating your lower lip from your chin
Labiomental groove
This is the area we see if you open your mouth wide, looking at area inside mouth to tonsils
Oral cavity proper
This region of the face includes the mouth and lips
Oral region
This is the tip of the nose
This is the portion of the tooth covered with enamel whether erupted or unerupted
Anatomical Crown
This is the space between the upper lip and nose
These are small, bony growths of bone on the maxillary buccal area
This region is at the base of the skull and behind the ear
Occipital Region
This is the hole that we breath through
The Naris/Nare
This is the term we used to refer to loss of primary teeth
This is a small bulge of tissue in the center of the upper lip
This is a fleshy raised area in the floor of the mouth that is the opening for a major salivary gland
Sublingual Caruncle
This region helps to form the cheek bone
Zygomatic region
This is where we put a lip liner if we are a girly girl
Vermillion Zone
These are the teeth that are typically trifurcated
Maxillary molars
The part of the chin that is most prominent is called the
Mental protruberance
This is the raised line down the center of the palate
Median palatal suture
This region forms the sides of the head
The Parietal
This is what we call the corners of the mouth
The Commissure
This is the name of the bony socket in which a tooth fits
What is the area about the eye called?
This is another name for the anterior palatal fold
Palatoglossal fold/pillar
This region is directly below the eye
This is another name for mental protruberance