Full form of CPU ?
Central Processing Unit
which app is most used to book movie tickets ?
Speed of Light ?
3 * 108 m/s.
Who scored first double century in one day cricket ?
Sachin Tendulkar.
Area and circumference of circle.
Area = pi*r2
Circumference = 2*pi*r
nokia's first operating system ?
Albert Einstein got nobel prize for which invention ?
Photoelectric Effect
Who is this Player ?
Yuvraj Singh
Which Stock is having Highest Price ?
current price -> 62 k
All time high -> 80 K
Speed of sound greater in which medium(solid,liquid,gas)?
First Indian woman gymnast to qualify for Olympics.
Dipa Karmakar.
What is always coming, but never arrives ?
how many Olympic gold won by India in hockey
eight gold.
Who won First individual Olympic medal for India ?
Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav
1952 Olympics - Wrestling