Rule that states SEC can only accept liquids during audits
What is the straw rule?
Team members who like to use the Cowboy emoji
Who is Kai Kramer and Angela Melfi?
Traction: Every second month of the quarter
When are the strategic meetings now held?
$1000 and 2 days PTO
What was the bonus given for sweating out the SEC data?
The oath charges us with putting our clients interests first
What is the fiduciary oath?
Team members who might be called Masters of Excel
Who is Curtis West and Kai Kramer?
To make a meaningful impact on the lives of our clients
What is our vision?
$366.66 M
What is the AUM posted in Orion as of 02/27/2025?
You must complete the Best Interest Worksheet within 10 days of what event
What is any discussion of the possibility of a retirement account rollover or transfer?
Team members most likely to quote song lyrics as needed in any conversation
Who are Angela Melfi and Jeff Platt?
The most important (data) project to finish this quarter
What is real estate into Orion?
12.9 million
What was last years net new assets?
Allows us to use testimonials
What is the new advertising and marketing rule added to the ADV this year?
Team members most likely to have instant recall of client names (including new client and prospects) and associations
Who are Kim Stimson and Devan Rouse?
First look at the process, not the person
What is a part of our IDS philosophy (Identify, Discuss, Solve)?
1.3 million
What is this ytd's net new assets?
Within 24 hours of the client meeting
When should you have client meeting notes completed in Redtail?
These team members who are known for their expertise, integrity and high level of client care
Who are the Platt Team?
Two new processes put in place last year
What is more interactive financial planning and OCI?
$82.83 sweet dollars
What was the largest single day spend on pastries?