Characterized by low platelet count
What is thrombocytopenia
Includes headache, rapid heart rate, nosebleeds, shortness of breath, and dizziness
What is symptoms of hypertension
Developed from a combination of environmental and genetic factors
what is the etiology of leukemia
Lifestyle changes; exercise, reducing stress, avoiding tobacco, Maintaining low sodium.
Whats is treatments of hypertension
the size of the adult fist
what is the heart
Occurs when the force of blood against artery walls is too high
What is hypertension
often noticeable within the 5th month of birth, may include jaundice, which is yellowing of the skin or the whites of the eyes
What is symptoms of sickle cell disease
most common causes are decreased platelet production, increased or abnormal destruction of platelets, or platelets trapped in the spleen
What is the etiology of thrombocytopenia
may include diuretics to relieve additional fluids from the body
What is treatments for Congested heart failure
a wall of tissue which divide the heart into left and right sides
What is cardiac septum
A cancer effecting the blood-producing tissues in the body such as bone marrow and lymphatic tissue
What is leukemia
persistent fatigue, anemia, frequent or severe infections, recurrent nosebleeds, bleeding gums
What is the symptoms of leukemia
Include thyroid problems, kidneys disease, adrenal tumors, congenital blood vessel abnormalities
What is Secondary Hypertension
Medications to control heart rate irregular heart rates or prevent blood clots and implantable heart devices to regulate heart rate
What is the treatment for congenital heart disease
two upper chambers of the heart, receives blood from other parts of the body.
what is atrias
heart deficiency or abnormality that is present at birth
What is congenital heart disease
fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, pale or yellowish skin, rapid heart rate, dizziness, cold hands and feet
What is symptoms of anemia
triggered during an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat also known as arrhythmia
What is the etiology of cardiac arrest
may include dietary supplements, iron or vitamin B12, blood transfusions or in severe cases, bone marrow transplant.
what is treatments for anemia
two lower chambers of the heart
what is ventricles
inherited blood disorder that affects hemoglobin
What is sickle cell disease
May include bluish skin, lips, fingers, or toes, difficulty breathing or no respirations
What is symptoms of congenital heart disease
caused by hypertension, disorders or abnormalities of the heart valves, coronary artery disease or can be idiopathic
What is the etiology of congested heart failure.
may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy.
what is treatment for leukemia
one way gates at each of the chamber opening to regulate blood flow through the heart
what is heart valves