what was my clothing obsession in middle school
lululemon headbands
what is my favorite bluebell establishment
what is my cousins name who goes to umass
what is kerin grandpa name
what town am I from
south borough
what MG amount of anxiety medicine medicine am I on
who was my roommate abroad
what are my brothers name
ted and nick
where is kerin grandma from
tequila soda with three limes and a sun cruiser
who is my fav basketball player
where did I first meet bakasss and Lauren
what is my Dunkin coffee order
iced coffee extra cream regular sugar
what country has kerin been to twice besides US
my two favorite NBA players (one Celtics one not)
jarred moccasin and Jaylen brown
what is my cats full name
Olive Garden vogel
what is my fav sport to watch on tv
what is allies parents names
mike and ann
public policy
what is my friends name that plays on uconn
Alex Karajan
why dont I drink hard alcohol
blacked out every night in Italy
what is my favorite college football team
when did allie get a gun pulled on her
pulled over for mistakenly stealing her yias yias car
name kerin girl and guy best friend from home
Dave and Rachel
Montana and Ryan