
This is the one instance when you can use AI for this class.

Proofreading for grammar


What does the professor like to be called?

Dr. Benhardus, Prof. Benhardus, or Nina (they/she)


Katie overheard a classmate saying something homophobic and feels uncomfortable in class, but Dr. Benhardus did not hear the comment. What should Katie do?

Talk to Dr. Benhardus privately in office hours. 


How do you earn a daily participation grade?

You will earn 100% if you speak two or more times in a class period and/or do all class activities. You will earn 85% if you speak once. You will earn 70% if you do not speak but show signs of active listening. You will earn 0% if you are absent (apart from excused absences), seem distracted by technology*, are disrespectful, or are asleep.


Instead of asking AI to reword your paper for you, you should do this.

Bring a copy of your paper to office hours so you can work with Dr. Benhardus on wording and phrasing.


Where is Dr. Benhardus's office?



How many hours (in and out of class) should you plan to spend on this class a week, on average?



What is the course policy on phones and computers?

I am ok with you having your computer or phone out if you need to jot down a note, take a picture of a slide, or use the internet for an in-class activity. Please note though that if it seems like your technology is distracting you from class, it will lead to a 0 participation grade for the day.


This is what happens if you use AI in a way not allowed in this class.

The instance is reported to Student Conduct and you will fail the assignment.

What should you do if you cannot make it to office hours?

Email Dr. Benhardus with some times when you could meet so that you can schedule an appointment.


Trevor emailed Dr. Benhardus. It's been 48 hours with no response. What should they do?

Send a friendly follow up email


How do you earn grades on daily assignments?

You will earn 100% if you do the assignment as requested and on time. You will 85% if you do it mostly as requested and on time. You will earn 70% if you do it late. You will earn 0% if you do not do it as requested.


What should you do instead of asking AI to summarize a reading?

Use annotations to help you understand the text and ask for help if needed.


Where do you find the Zoom link for Dr. Benhardus's virtual office hours?

In the first module on Canvas under "Office hours and Zoom Link"


Mia experienced sexual harassment on campus. What should she do?

Mia can choose to file a Title IX complaint by following the link provided on the course website. She can also talk to Dr. Benhardus, who would be required to file a report with Title IX.


Carlos woke up with a fever and cannot come to class. What should he do?

Email Dr. Benhardus, ideally before class begins


Why is AI not allowed for several situations in this class?

This is a skill-building class. A main focus is to teach you some building blocks of writing, research, and textual analysis. I believe these skills are best developed independently of AI and that approaching them that way ensures that you are better able to understand the results AI produces for you in the future.


What are the names of Dr. Benhardus's dogs?

Samwise and Cordelia


What are some practices that can help us keep a respectful classroom?

focusing on ideas and text(s), practicing active listening skills, and affirming things we can agree


Juliet is going on vacation and won't be back the Monday after spring break. What should she do?

Contact Dr Benhardus and make sure to get the work that is due done before she leaves on vacation.
