Nikki Giovanni wrote, "I love you / Because the Earth turns round the Sun... I love you / Because no two" these "are alike"
What are snowflakes?
1946: This city is "Vacuum Tube Valley" when ENIAC, the 1st general purpose digital computer, is demonstrated at U. Penn there
What is Philadelphia?
Marketing itself in its own chocolate, this brand has imprinted #mybreak on its wafer bars
What is a KitKat?
This June birthstone is the only one produced by a living organism
What is pearl?
Queens of this "sweet" insect species emit a "queen substance" that attracts males from other hives
What are honeybees?
You may not think of this Milton epic as a love poem, but in one passage, Eve tells Adam, "With thee conversing I forget all time"
What is Paradise Lost?
1876: Lawyer Marcellus Bailey files a patent on behalf of his client for "improvement in telegraphy", this invention
What is the telephone?
Introduced in 1912, this brand of chocolatey cookies can be spelled using letters in "chocolatier"
What is Oreo?
Big in the Southwest, it's one of the birthstones for December
What is turquoise?
A pheromone in the "desert" type of these insect pests leads to them forming swarms of biblical proportions
What are locusts?
Ben Jonson began a classic love poem with the anatomically impossible request, "Drink to me only with thine" these
What are eyes?
1967: Aretha Franklin enters a NYC studio to record this Otis Redding song, adding the "sock it to me"s & other elements
What is "Respect"?
A conveyor belt of chocolates hilariously overwhelms 2 characters in a classic 1952 episode of this sitcom
What is I Love Lucy?
Ranging from light purple to deep royal purple, it's the birthstone for February
What is amethyst?
Some evidence indicates that androstadienone found in this human skin excretion boosts women's moods
What is sweat?
In "The Raven", the name of this lost love rhymes with "before", "adore" & more
Who is Lenore?
1778: The U.S.S. Ranger, captained by this man, receives the first official salute to the stars & stripes flag, by the French fleet
Who is John Paul Jones?
It's a 10-letter word that describes someone who is incredibly fond of eating chocolate
What is chocoholic?
Composed of hydrated silica, this October birthstone is known for its play of color
What is opal?
To attract mates female moths emit a plume of pheromones, which are in turn detected by this body part on males
What are antennae?
This Shakespeare contemporary worked fast; "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" begins, "Come live with me and be my love"
What is Marlowe?
1835: Formation of the first Latter-day Saints leadership group known as the "Quorum of the Twelve" these
What are the Apostles?
As a nod to its cuisine's origins, this restaurant chain offers a dessert called "The Great Wall of Chocolate"
What is P.F. Chang's?
Red spots of iron oxide give a birthstone for March this name
what is bloodstone?
Pheromones of these eel-like fish are used to lure them into traps, helping curb their invasion of the Great Lakes
What is a lamprey?