The U handshape
what is the sign for tree?
an arm out and a hand with the 5 handshape over it
How do you sign TAN
Use the T hand-shape against your cheek.
saturday is signed using what letter?:
s (handshape?
what letter is used to sign famiy?
the f handshape
thumbs up handshape
how do you sign bathroom?
shake your hand with the t handshape
cat can be signed using what letter?
the f handshape
what handshape is used to type sunday?
5 handshape, both hands
where is female cousin signed?
by your chin
how do you sign 20 in sign language?
by closing your thumb and ring finger together
what are the different types of help signs?
help, help you, help me
football is signed how?
by putting your hands together and crossing your fingers. (5 handshape and binding your fingers together)
you do what with the f handshape for friday?
you move it in a circle
twenty two has how many movements?
how do you sign hungry?
c handshape down your chest/ribs
tuesday is signed with a t shape, thursday is signed with a U handshape
how do you sign grandma?
like mother, with 5 handshape but going away from your face at your chin
How do you sign 22
You "bounce" the sign two next to eachother
the C handshape
How do you sign WORK
you circle/rotate it in a circle.