name a cow breed
what is Holstein
what is angus
what is long horn
what sound do pigs make?
what is squeal
what is oink
what sound do chickens make?
what is cluck
what can sheep make
what is wool
what do goats make
what is milk, meat
what do Heifers produce.
what is milk
what is calf
what do pigs make
what can chickens be used for
what is eggs and meat.
what are some sheep wool colors?
what is black, white, brown
what do you call a male goat
what is a buck
what do you call a male cow?
what is bull
what do female pigs make
what is a baby pig
how do you make chicks
what is a roster and a hen
what do you call a male sheep
what do you call a female goat
what is a doe
what are cows known to produce
how big can adult pigs get
what is 300-700 lbs.
what do you feed a chicken
what is grain food
what do you call a female sheep
what is ewe
what sound do goats make
what is bahhh.
what do cows need to eat?
what is silage, grass, corn/protein.
what do you feed pigs
how many eggs do hens approximately lay a year?
what is 250
what do you feed sheep
what is grass
what do you feed a goat
what is grass and grain