Causes of Great Depression
Nature and Efficacy of Solutions
Critics of the New Deal
Nature and Efficacy of Solutions in Canada

What event marked the beggining of the Great Deppression.

STock market crash


Was Hoover effective at halting the Great Depression? 

No  :b


What were the short and long range goals of the New Deal?

Short range were relief and immediate recovery.

Long range goals were permanent recovery and reform of current abuses. 


What was the Unemployment Relief Act (1930)?

Provided federal funds to provinces.


What was one of the main causes of economic vulnerability in LATAM?

Lack of economic diversity/dependency on one product or export


What program worked with public works and infrastructure?

Works Progress Administration (WPA)


What were some of the relief programs for the Great Depression, and what did they do?



What was the shift in the unemployment relief act?

A more interventionist approach was used for this program after King's reelection.


What was the major environmental event that affected the U.S. and Canada? How did it affect these two countries?

The Dust Bowl. Affected agriculture and created agricultural failures, damages, and turmoil.


What did the historians argue about the efficacy of FDR’s policies and solutions?

They argue that these measures helped to stabilize the economy and alleviate suffering during the Great Depression


What was the NYA and what was its nature and efficacy?

National Youth Administration - Devoted to furthering education of the youth. Roosevelt signed order No. 7086. Filled needs of CCC and employed youth effectively.


Evaluate the importance of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Act (CBC)?

These broadcasting services were used to disseminate information across Canada. It was effective at proving people with information and created a sense of national unity.


Explain how easy credit and "Buy Now Pay Later" approaches were a factor contributing the great deppression?

Easy credit and "Buy Now Pay Later" approaches allowed people to accumulate excessive debt, leading to overconsumption and speculation in the stock market. When the stock market crashed in 1929, many individuals and businesses were unable to pay off their debts, which contributed to the economic downturn and the Great Depression.


What was the purpose of the Hoover Dam?

A way to alleviate unemployment


Using evidence, what do you think was the best and worst Recovery program from the New Deal?



What is the meaning of the R.B. Bennet political cartoon in the Great Deppression Notes? (Its in the Canada Section)

This political cartoon states the ineffectiveness of R.B. Bennet's control over Canada, shown by the damaging of the "Canadian Citizen" in the cartoon. The cartoon also demonstrates the relief of Canada after having have had welcomed King into Canada.


Compare LATAM and Canada in terms of Economic causes.

Both LATAM countries and Canada were affected by economic causes during the Great Depression. They experienced a decline in international trade and decreased commodity prices. Both regions also faced debt and credit issues. However, there were differences as well. LATAM countries were more dependent on foreign economies, while Canada had a more stable banking system. The government responses also varied, with Canada adopting expansionary fiscal policies and LATAM countries implementing austerity measures.


What was the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and when was it made? 

Aimed to provide emergency loans to struggling businesses and banks. Made in 1932.


How did the New Deal programs implemented during the Great Depression strike a balance between the need for immediate relief and long-term economic recovery, and what were the diverse criticisms and concerns raised by various stakeholders regarding the government's role, economic intervention, and the implications of deficit spending?

During the Great Depression, the New Deal programs implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt aimed to provide immediate relief and long-term economic recovery. Immediate relief was provided through programs like the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Works Progress Administration (WPA), and Social Security Act, which created jobs, provided income support, and ensured retirement benefits. These programs helped alleviate immediate suffering and stimulated economic activity.


To what extent were Canadian reforms during the Great Depression effective in alleviating socio-economic challenges?

Canadian reforms implemented during the Great Depression had limited effectiveness in addressing socio-economic challenges. The implementation of relief measures, such as unemployment insurance and public works projects, provided temporary relief to those affected. However, these reforms did not fully address the underlying systemic issues and failed to achieve long-term economic recovery. Additionally, certain groups, such as Indigenous communities, faced greater challenges and received limited benefits from these reforms. Overall, while the reforms provided some relief, they were insufficient in effectively addressing all socio-economic challenges faced during the Great Depression in Canada.
