Prepare to die
Dark Souls
This physical attribute is generally associated with muscles and heavy weapons
Wulfgar of Icewind Dale and Conan of Cimmeria were this bloodthirsty class of warrior
Marge vs the Monorail
The Simpsons
This 2-word phrase refers to anger impairing one's vision
Seeing Red
American children on average eat 1500 of these sandwiches by 12th grade
Rip and Tear
These landmasses are favorites of Bob Ross to paint off in the distance
This Charisma based spellcaster studies occult lore and at 3rd level are bound in a pact to their otherworldly patron
King of the Hill
This was the last primary color to be named in many languages including Greek, Japanese, and Hebrew.
Peanuts are technically not a nut but are part of this family of plants with edible seeds
From Russia with Fun!
A punishment in the Roman army where every tenth soldier of a mutinous legion was executed, or to remove a large percentage of something.
This class chooses to emulate the ideals and training of such conclaves as swarmkeeper, drakewarden, or monster slayer at 3rd level and gain hide in plain sight at level 10.
Battle of the Bastards
Game Of Thrones
Bob Ross would regularly first coat his canvas with a thin layer of this brightly colored oil paint before the show, essential to give it Bob's wet-on-wet style.
Liquid White
This girl scout cookie is made of peanut butter sandwiched between two oatmeal cookies, and has a name you might hear at a square dance. Swing your partner!
Finish the fight
The plural form of Jack Black and Elmo's favorite shape
This class can play many roles from tank to warrior to healer and is proficient with all armors and shields.
Breaking Bad
This is the color of the rainbow with the shortest wavelength
This 2019 film follows a young man with Down syndrome who runs away to pursue his dream of becoming a wrestler, befriending a troubled fisherman played by Shia LaBeouf. He adopts this nickname, which is also the film’s title.
Peanut Butter Falcon
The walls are shifting
This term refers to a series of military operations, also a story based experience for many games
This class prefers the company of animals to people, and utilizes the forces of nature to best their foes.
Palestinian Chicken
Curb Your Enthusiasm
These are the names of the five colors of the Olympic flag from left to right.
Blue yellow black green red
In addition to Thomas Jefferson, this former president was a peanut farmer earlier in life, has a family recipe for peanut butter pie from his wife Rosalynn, and even has a peanut sculpture with his likeness in his home state of Georgia
Jimmy Carter
Despite not being one of the titular three Musketeers, this character was the main protagonist of the story and was played in films by both Gene Kelly and Chris O'Donnell
Who is D'artagnan