How long has Federalism been around?
It has been here since ancient times.
what can federalism encourage?
An advantage is that it can encourage political participation.
What is a disadvantage with federalism and states?
It can cause competition between states.
What is federalism?
Federalism is a mode of government that combines a general level of government with a regional level of sub unit governments while dividing the powers of governing between the two levels of government.
(T v F) In a federal system, the national government has all the power, and state governments have no independent authority.
Why was Federalism created?
to balance power between the States and the federal government, and to protect liberty from tyranny.
What does federalism give states to engage in?
It gives states an incentive to engage in policy innovation.
Diversity because of federalism can lead to..?
It can lead to poor politics.
What is a major strength of federalism?
a political system permitting a large measure of regional self rule.
(T v F) The U.S. Constitution establishes a federal system of government.
What is the opposite of federalism?
Unitary governments
How is federalism diverse?
It gives accommodations to diverse viewpoints across the country.
Can federalism increase costs?
what is an example of federalism?
united states, canada, India
(T v F)Federalism can help promote diversity in law and policy among different states
what are the three branches that contribute to federalism?
composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial
What does Federalism create?
Federalism creates multiple layers of government that can check each other's powers
Federalism can increase the cost of....?
National businesses.
What is the main idea about federalism?
By dividing the powers of the government between the national government and the states, our system gives a ton of power to the state governments
(T v F) In a federal system, the national government has all the power, and state governments have no independent authority.
what are the 2 different types of federalism?
There are two different types of federlismdual federalism and cooperative federalism.
What risk does federalism reduce?
reducing the risk of tyranny and promoting accountability.
What did Anti-federalists believe federalism would do?
They believed it gave the government too much power.
A positive about federalism?
Federalism encourages economic equality across the country
(T v F) Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units, such as states or provinces