Property Insurance
what is "coverage for loss or damage to your assets agaisnt a covered cause of loss. Including but not limited to: Building, Contents, Stock/Inventory, Business Income, & Extra Expense"
what is extended coverage for the three liabilities - GL, Auto, WC Part B
what is "provides coverage for vision services such an annual exam and usually includes an allowance for hardware such as glasses and or contact lenses. the plan is usually fully insured
what is "provides coverage for dental related cost for participating members including annual exams and cleanings. Will pay for a certain amount for non preventative work up to a limit"
what is (....)
These are 5 of the 8 countries where Brown & Brown has offices
What is..
Cayman Islands
The brand of Paxton's burner phone
What is motorolla
General Liability
what is "coverage for bodily injury, property damage, advertising injury, and personal injury arising out of you our your products to a third party."
Workers' Compensation
what is "provides coverage for employee(s) for an injury or illness incurred thru employment"
Life and AD&D
what is "pays a benefit when someone passes away or has a severe accidental injury. The is typically 24 hour coverage and always fully insured to do favorable tax benefits of life insurance"
Work Site
what is "a variety of insurance products and services that an individual pays for on their own without an employer participating in the cost. Allows employees to make decisions on programs they are interested in and offer a way to easily pay for these coverages"
Goals of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings
These are the leaders of P&C, EB, Personal Lines, and Accounting department
What is, Dawn Singleton, Matt Hall, Jennifer Buckley, and Rachel Wattles
The ages of Maki's children
what is 2, 6, 8
What is "the number of claims continue to rise, and it will help with the defense of any alleged/actual hiring, firing, harassments, discrimination, to employees or third parties"
what is " protection for the insured against financial loss because of legal liability for automobile-related injuries to others or damage to their property by an auto"
Ben Admin
what is "provides coverage for prescription drugs for participating members. It can be part of a medical plan administration or carved out to a different administrator."
what is audit role play --- quick role play of audit process
This is how much business you need to qualify for Tangle B, PIP, and SIP
What is $150K book growth and $100K Top Gun
This is the highest ranking pop tart in the "tart-Tuesday"
what is brown sugar
what is "provides coverages for 1st and 3rd party liability for legal, investigative, notification and business interruption costs arising out of a breach to personal, medical, financial data"
The definition of symbol 1, 8, 9
What is " any auto, hired, and non owned"
Short-Term Disability
13-26 weeks
paid weekly
60-66% of salary
Long-Term Disability
what is "provides coverage when a participant is unable to perform the duties of their job due to non work related illness or injury for an extended period of time"
coordinate with short terms
pays until SSNRA
paid monthly
Fire Your Agent
role play firing the agent
These are 4 of Brown & Brown Virtual Offices
What is...
Complex Property
Stop Loss
This was Grant's First Account
What is "A Plus Dewatering"
what is "provides for coverage for alleged, wrongful, and negligent acts performed by the D&O within the scopes of their job duties"
Workers' Compensation Part A & B
Part A. coverages for employees death, medical, and indemnity
Part B employers liability, event a family member sues the employer or an outside company who can come back and sue the employer
Self-Funded Medical Components
what is "administration, claims, stop loss"
Pre Qualifying
10 pre-qual questions
This is the number of times BBCFL has won Retail Office of the Year
What is 4 times
This was Pete's number during fantasy baseball camp
What is "9"