Which word becomes shorter when you add 2 letters to it?
What is the name of the Malaysian flag?
Jalur Gemilang
Girl has powers and accidentally causes a winter wonderland. Then she ghosts her sister and only speaks to her at her birthday party years later.
What starts with T, ends with T, and is full of T?
A teapot
How many states does Malaysia have
A group of people have work conflict inside a child's brain
Inside Out
Mrs. Brown has 5 daughters. Each of these daughters has a brother. How many children does Mrs. Brown have?
They have 6 children. There are 5 daughters and 1 son.
What's the country's national flower
A kid has a buggy reaction to a bite, wears a costume and swings around his city.
As I get bigger, I weigh less. What am I?
A balloon
What is Malaysia's tallest building?
Menara 118
A candy man with a serious sugar addiction invites a bunch of random kids to his workplace. Several children are in danger during the tour. One kid gets a free factory.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
I can fill a room, but I take up no space. What am I?
What is the capital of Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur
A blue alien fights a crazy dude with robots