Modals 1
Modals 2
Future Forms 1
Future Forms 2

When people experience extreme stress, they sometimes begin ___________.

A) to fed up

B) on anxiety

C) to hyperventilate 

C) to hyperventilate


Write a sentence using the correct modal verb based on the prompt: 

Give advice to a friend who is feeling tired.

Example answer:

You ought to/should take a hot shower and go to sleep. 


Rewrite the following sentences using the correct modal verb. 

1. It’s possible that Sarah is at the gym right now. 

Sarah might/could be at the gym right now. 


True or False 

We use Present simple to express promises and threats in the future. 

DOUBLE POINTS if you can justify the answer.


Write the words and phrases in the correct order. 

1. test Clare the isn't take to going

2. won't this weekend rain probably it

3. a test tomorrow going have we to are ?

1. Clare isn't going to take the test. 

2. It probably won''t rain this weekend. 

3. Are we going to have a test tomorrow?


Complete the gap

She had ___ when she was overwhelmed by the situation.

A) hyperventilate

B) a panic attack 

C) to spin

B) a panic attack 


Write a sentence using the correct modal verb based on the prompt: 

Express a regret about not studying for an important test.

Example answer:

I should have studied harder for my Reading test. 


Fill in the blanks using the appropriate modal verb: 

1. The flight ___ be delayed, but we’re not sure yet. (possibility)

2.  In the past, they ___ be really rude to students. (general statement about the past)

 1. might / could / may

2. could


To express plans or intentions decided at the moment of speaking we use ___________ and to express plans decided before the moment of speaking we use ____________.

1. Will

2. Going to

TRIPLE POINTS if you can give examples for each (will and going to)


Complete the sentences with a form of will or going to:

1. I don't think we ____ get a seat - it's overcrowded. 

2. A: We don't have any bread. 

    B: Really? I ___ get some from the shop then

1. are going to

2. will 


Form a sentence with the following vocabulary:

1. enthusiastic / bucket lists

2.  impressed / scenery

Example answers:

1. Sarah is enthusiastic we are writing new bucket lists

2. Meredith was impressed by the scenery of South America. 


Write a sentence using the correct modal verb based on the prompt: 

1. Ask your professor for permission to leave class early, give a reason. 

2. Prohibit someone from smoking in a public area.

Example answer:

1. Professor may I leave class early, I have a doctor's appointment today. 

2. You are not allowed to smoke in the park because it's a public area. 


Rewrite the following sentences using the appropriate modal verb. 

1. I am sure she is working hard on her project right now.

2. Maybe they will cancel the concert if the weather is bad. 

1. She must be working hard on her project right now. 

2. The concert might/could/may be cancelled if the weather is bad.


When should I use "will" and when should I use "going to" for making predictions about the future?

Will: no evidence

Going to: with evidence

Steal points if you can provide example sentences for each (will & going to). 


Complete the sentences with will or going to:

1. A: I've bought this paint because I _____ paint the        kitchen.     

    B: I'm sure it _____ look fantastic.

2. Please, slow down. Are you crazy? We___ have an accident! 


1. am going to ; will

2. are going to 


Provide synonym:

Exploring the village on the unknown track revealed hidden gems that most tourists never get to see. 

Answer: off the beaten path


Write a sentence using the appropriate modal verb based on the prompt: 

1. Ask a friend to help you carry a heavy box.

2. Express no obligation to attend a meeting tomorrow. 

3. Express an ability you have now that you didn’t have five years ago. 

1. Would/Will you help me carry this heavy box?

2. You needn't attend the meeting tomorrow because it's cancelled. 

3. Now I can run five miles, before I couldn't even run one!


Match the sentence with the correct modal verb function (certainty, possibility, general statement about the past, prediction) :

1. She must be tired after working a double shift.

2. He could be mean sometimes when we were kids.

3. They might move to a different country next year.

4. You should feel better after some rest.

1. certainty - must 

2. general statement about the past - could + past

3. possibility - might

4. prediction - should


When do we use present simple to talk about the future?

Provide 2 examples. 

For timetabled events, such as: train schedules, events, lessons, meetings, etc. 


Complete the sentence with present simple, present continuous or will form of the verb in brackets:

1. I ___(check) with you before I buy the tickets. 

2. We ___ (meet) Sophie at 7:00. Would you like to join us?

3. I'll phone you as soon as I ___(hear) any news. 

1. will check 

2. are meeting

3. hear 


Create meaningful sentences using the following:

1. might / symptom

2. won't / all-inclusive holiday

3. could /puzzled

Example Answers:

1. That cough might be a symptom of Covid-19. 

2. He won't like going to an all-inclusive holiday because he likes camping in the woods. 

3. I could see the students were puzzled by the question. 


Use the correct modal verb to respond to the prompt:

1. Ask someone politely if you can borrow their phone charger.  

2. Explain that it’s prohibited to talk during an exam.

3. Mention a skill you might be able to learn in the future. 

Example Answers: 

1. Would you please lend me/let me borrow your phone charger?

2. You can't talk during the exam because it's considered cheating. 

3. I might be able to learn French next summer. 


Create 3 meaningful sentences expressing the following:

1. Possibility

2. Certainty

3. No Obligation

Example answers:

1. We might travel to Africa or Asia next month, I'm not sure. 

2. They can't be in school, I just saw them in the mall!

3. You don't have to get up early on Friday, it's a holiday. 


We're traveling to the dessert in the morning. 

In what tense is the sentence in? Why is it in that tense?

Present continuous, it is an arrangement cordinated with someone. 


Complete the sentences with the present simple, present continuous or will form of the verb in brackets:

1. Because of unexpected demand, there ___(be) an extra show on Friday. 

2. Once we ___(know) the survey results we'll be able to plan our campaign. 

3. Next year, Thanksgiving Day ___(be) on Thursday, 26th November. 

1. will be

2. know

3. is 
