He was planning to foget Calypso and go and plant peas in Tobago.
Who is The Mighty Shadow
Who is Karen Nunez Tesheira climbed over the gate at Basdeo Panday's funeral like a certain spider hero.
What is Jus so she turn Spiderman
When you parents warns of joy turning into sorrow
What is laugh and cry does live in the same house.
It is typical a drug store but Niqueela opts to go there to buy eveything.
What is Superpharm?
His Signature Catchphrase is a merging of two words. A longer word for the greeting Hi and a laugh.
Who is Machel Montano
People say this phrase if a person was walking and suddenly fell.
What is Jus So dem fall
A warning of doom that involves a frog
Crapaud smoke your pipe.
What is Niqueela's Favourite Pizza Place
What is Pizza Hut?
Not a Fire Fighter by trade but had people dropping and rolling on the ground.
Fay-Ann Lyons- Alverez
You are watching your favourite show on TV and TTEC suddenly cuts electricity.
What is Jus So Current gone?
A slim goat that is given a long leash
Long rope for maga goat
How old is Niqueela today
What is 27 years old?
This Soca Singer Made his debut singing about the ghetto, and if you need help with load, he is always willing to carry it.
Who is Bunji Garlin
Your friend was sitting quietly and suddenly they get up and start behaving wild.
What is Jus So he catch a Vaps?
When someone farts and the it is comepared to a bird consuming a Christmas treat.
What is like a Corbeau eat a sponge cake
Childhood Name given by here brother Junior
What is Bouki?
From wanting to change the world with love and falling in fetes to ending the day with a cup of cocoa tea.
Who is KES?
Something happened unexpectantly and is compared to the opposite of wet three times
What is Jus So Dry Dry Dry
When you are out of funds and can't afford to buy anything else for you or your buddies.
What is money done friend done?
This place that serves mixed drink served cold with caffiene is her favourite.
What is StarBucks