The person you go to; your first line of command for Qs; your direct supervisor
Regional SAF/IS Staff Point of Contact
Where to log my volunteer hours (and as a YAC Coordinator, I should make sure that the YAC Advocates are logging theirs too)
Volunteer Connection
This is the deadline for the end of the FY21 campaigns
May 1st
In-Person Campaign Activity
Contact me if you are feeling stuck working with your youth teams and you already asked your supervisor for support
YAC Lead Coordinators
The place where all of the YAC flyers are stored for anyone to utilize to promote/recruit
YAC Exchange Page
The place where Coordinators help upload their Advocates' documents to store them
IHL YAC Advocate Groupshare
This is the process of teaching or educating your youth to get them ready for leading the program. Don't forget to add these to your event tracker!
YAC Advocate training
You as the orgainzer of the YAC program are called this, double check you have this position in VCN!
Regional YAC Coordinator
The place anyone in our YAC community is invited to share resources and stories about how/where education is affected by armed conflict
YAC Advocate Groupshare- Social Media Repository
When to give your regional staff point of contact information about a campaign activity (Advocate Training attendance, Campaign activity attendance, etc.)
Within 1 week of the event (ideally-right after each event)
Instagram and Facebook live events count as this (despite that they are done online) because attendees can interact with presenters
In-person/virtual in-person campaign activity
They need to be registered in VCN, just like the YAC Coordinators who facilitate their training
YAC Advocates
The place you can find the YAC events template to report all of the participation data and give to your SAF/IS POC
YAC Coordinator Groupshare
(Under Files>1 Coordinator's Resources>YAC Events Report Template for Service Delivery Portal)
Anyone who attends an event, including YAC Advocates and those who come to campaign activities (attendees do not need to be in VCN)
participant toward in-person/virtual in-person goal
Coordinators get credit for this in the event tracker, which includes promoting YAC to external stakeholders
YAC Outreach