Who proposed the theory of Multiple Intelligences?
Howard Gardner
Zone of Proximal Development
Which method is derived from how people learned languages that have gone extinct?
Which level of the bloom's taxonomy is the following question?
"List any 3 Prepositions."
The teacher-centered classroom relied mostly on behaviorist principles for teaching. Which principles do the student-centered classroom focus on?
Cognitivist - Constructivist
Give 3 examples of activities under Socio-affective learning strategies.
•Cooperating/sharing ideas (cooperative learning)
•Clarifying information
•Self-talk for motivation
•Asking questions
Jenna is great at recalling information. Her method of remembering them is through making rhymes. Which intelligence does she have?
What is the long form of LAD? Which theory proposes the idea that LAD exists?
Language acquisition Device
Innatist Theory by Noam Chomsky
Which two key skills does the Direct Grammar Teaching method focus on?
Reading and Writing
Describe the roll of the Teacher in a student-centered classroom.
•Teacher is an instructor
•Teacher presents knowledge
Give 3 Examples of Cognitive Learning Strategies
•Using resources and instructional tools
•Using imagery
•Making inferences (guesses)
•Identifying key words
Students with which intelligence enjoy movement, role-playing, hands-on learning, using real objects?
Bodily Kinesthetic
Which theory focuses on learning through interaction?
Social Cognition Learning Model / Social Learning Theory by Jean Piaget
Which language teaching method focuses on learning through listening to recordings and pattern practice?
Audiolingual Method
Which level of the bloom's taxonomy is the following question?
"Determine which category of speech the word in capitals falls under. -"Ali is a JOVIAL boy."
Describe the roll of the teacher in a student-centered classroom.
Teacher is a guide and a facilitator
Metacognition is also referred simply as ......................................................
thinking about thinking
Name any two activities you can use to engage a student with logical-mathematical intelligence.
Puzzles, Logic Games
Noam Chomsky and the Innatist perspective proposes the idea that all languages share the same general functional structures in organisation and usage of language units. This concept is also called ....................
Universal Grammar
Which Grammar Teaching Method might be good for a child with Bodily kinesthetic Intelligence?
Total Physical Response
When planning a lesson, you can vary the type of activity based on the VAK method, what does VAK stand for?
Which grammar teaching approach adheres most closely to student-centered classrooms?
Communicative Language Teaching - CLT
How can teacher teach metacognitive processes for a class of 2 year-olds?
Thinking out loud - Modelling thinking
The Social Cognition Model references a MKO as someone who helps learners acquire new knowledge or perform tasks they can not yet do themselves. What is the long form of MKO?
Which Grammar Teaching Method aligns with the concept of a student centered classroom?
Communicative Language Teaching
Give the long form of the acronym SMART in relation to setting objectives.
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Timebound
According to the Constructivists how does learning occur?
Learners create their own knowledge based on their experiences and interactions with the world.
In the Bloom's Taxonomy, which level correlates most to metacognitive practices?