The assignment of duties to another person
What is delegation
Open area of skin with yellowish greenish area
What is an unstageable wound
The most common cause of respiratory insufficiency is
What is air way obstruction
Procedure for inserting Inserting a foley catheter must stay
What is sterile
What is the third stage of grief
What is bargaining
When one person makes remarks against another person that is untrue
What is defamation
Third stage of wound healing
What is prolification
A plastic tube with short curved prongs that extends into the nostril
What is a nasal cannula
Used when a patient can not tolerate a regular bedpan
What is Fracture pan
To improve the quality of life while dealing with life threatening illness by reducing or relieving symptoms of a disease
What is pallative care
A threat to harm another or even to touch another without their consent
What is assault
wound with thick foul smelling drainage
What i an infected wound
Artificial airway located in throat that
What is a tracheostomy
With an order what procedure can a nurse do manually to assist a patient that has urinary retention
What is Crede Maneuver
The absence of brain activity as evidence by the absence of electroencephalogram
What is death
What is an oral type of defamation
Whater is slander
What is the most appropriate dressing for a wound with moderate drainage
What is a hyhrocolloid dressing
absence of breathing
What is apnes
An opening that redirects content to the outside of the body is called
What is an ostomy
The priority with dying patients is that the remain free of
What is pain
The act of ending another person's life with or without the person's consent
What is Euthanasia
Machine that is attached to an open area of a patient that collects drainage and assist with wound healing
What is a Wound Vac
The simplest method of clearing the air passages
What is coughing
an infection from a foley catheter that occurs in a healthcare facility
What is CAUTI
Closures used to approximate edges of a patient after surgery to assist in healing
What is suture and staples