Chike and the River
How did the Great Explorers avoid getting lost at sea?

What did Chike observe at the riverside?

At the riverside, Chike observed many cars and lorries waiting to be ferried and saw three boys washing some of the cars. Chike noticed that when the boys finished washing the cars, the owners gave them some money.


What navigational tools did great explorers use to avoid getting lost at sea?

They use the compass, astrolabe, and cross-staff to determine their direction and position at sea.


How did Chike feel during his journey and what did he do?

During the journey, Chike felt as proud as Mungo Park when he finally reached the Niger. He stuck out his chest, drew a deep breath, and began to whistle a song.


How did the compass help explorers navigate?

The compass allowed explorers to determine direction by pointing toward the magnetic north, helping them maintain their course even without visible landmarks.


Why do you think Chike decided to go to the riverside without telling Michael?

Chike probably wanted to explore on his own and take advantage of his free time. It shows he is independent and curious


What role did the astrolabe play in navigation?

The astrolabe was used to measure the altitude of the sun or stars above the horizon. 


Why did Chike feel disappointed when he returned with his bucket and rag? And how did Chike’s attitude change when he saw the small cars arriving?

Chike felt disappointed because the boat had left and there were no more cars around to wash, only lorries. Chike's hopes revived when he saw small cars arriving, showing that he didn't give up easily


How was the chip log used to measure a ship's speed?

The chip log was thrown overboard, and as the ship moved, the line played out. Sailors counted the number of knots that passed through their hands over a specific time period, usually measured with a sandglass.


What is the significance of Chike whistling "Row, row, row your boat" at the end of the story?

The song "Row, row, row your boat" suggests that life is a journey that should be enjoyed, even with its ups and downs. For Chike, whistling the song reflects his satisfaction and happiness after achieving his goal, reminding us to stay positive and keep moving forward.


What advancements improved navigation during the Age of Exploration?

Advancements such as more accurate clocks for determining longitude and better ship designs for long voyages significantly improved navigation.
