What are 2 cities in california Qaisar lived at
San Diego, San Jose
what does qaisar currently draw daily on our mirror ?
hanging man
what item did qaisar steal from usc bookstore (bonus points if u know when)
usc lululemon shirt during a tailage
trick question he did not play sports
what is Qaisars current hyperfixation emoji
the rotting rose
what hairstyle did Qaiasar have sophmore --> beginning of junior year
what is qaisars best friends ethnicity from back in Arizona
armenian (duh)
what is the name of commonly played ping pong game called ?
autism ball
name 2 of qaisars current roommates
marco, elijah, sam
why is Treasure named Treasure
bc Kanz (sister) in arabic means treasure
what easy and common word did Qaisar mispronounce at the ripe old age of 10
what was the name of his sophomore-year roommate that he deeply and truly loved <3
how did Qaisar end up at USC
how many times has qaisar gotten fired at USC
twice ( i think ) ?? from the office job for wearing short and from the lab for not dong things their way