What syllable type is the word "pet"?
What is setting?
When and where a story takes place.
What specials are offered at RHR?
STEM, Art, Music, and PE
What is your teachers first name?
What syllable type is the word "rate"?
True or False
2/3 = 34/68
This type of story teaches the reader about something.
Informational or nonfiction
What is the name of the assistant principal?
Mrs. Acosta
Double Jeopardy!
What city and state is your teacher from?
Exton, Pennsylvania
What syllable type is the word "solve"?
closed exception
72รท9= ___
What is the name of the main character in the story about a boy who falls out of his families carriage and is raised by coyotes?
Pecos Bill
What is the name of the school mascot?
What grades has your teacher taught?
Kindergarten, 1st, and 3rd
What do you do when you add a vowel suffix to a closed syllable?
Double the consonant
ship -> shipPing
Name all the attributes of a rectangle.
2 sets of parallel sides
4 right angles
What is 1st person point of view?
When a character in the story is the narrator.
How many classroom (K-5th) teachers are there?
How many years has your teacher been teaching?
7 years
What are the 3 parts of a 1-1-1 word?
1 closed syllable
1 short vowel
1 consonant after the vowel
What is the area of a square that has a perimeter of 12 units?
9 units2
What year did RHR open?
What is your teacher's biggest classroom petpeeve?
Kids talking when they aren't supposed to!