New Shortforms
Old and New Shortforms
Identify Groupsigns
Rules & Definitions

This short form is presented as "a" (1st cell) and then "b" (2nd cell)

What is about ?


The shortform for L (1st cell) and L (2nd cell)

What is little ?

dots 1, 5, 6 are identified as this groupsign...

What are "wh" and "which"?


The description / definition of a strong contraction and provide one example.

What are strong contractions include "and" "for" "of" "the" "with" and they can be used by itself as the words or a part of another word (combined with other letters or contractions) one example is the word form = "form" ?


This short form is presented as "a" (1st cell) and then "f" (2nd cell)

What is after?


The shortform for s (1st cell) and d (2nd cell) AND y (1st cell) and r (2nd cell).

What is said?


dots 1, 4, 5, 6 are identified as this groupsign...

What are "th" and "this"?


The description / definition of a shortform contraction and provide 1 example.

What is a shortform contraction is a shorter version of the word usually are shown as 2-3 braille cells (letters or contractions) such as "said" which is shortform shown as "s" and "d"?

This short form is presented as "a" (1st cell) and then "g" (2nd cell)

What is again?


The shortform for g (1st cell) and d (2nd cell) AND for h (1st cell) and m (2nd cell)

What is ​​​​good and him?

Find the groupsigns that would be used in the sentence: This class gets me tired when we watch videos.

What are:  This (class gets me tired) and  wh(en we watch videos.)?


The description / definition of a groupsign contraction and provide 1 example.

What are groupsign contraction are usually 1 cell in length and can stand for 1 complete/whole/full word when by itself  OR can be a part of a word such but as a combination of letters such as which is dots 1, 5, 6 by itself  but in the word "why" it would be shown as "wh" (dots 1,5,6) and letter "y"?


the dots for "after", "again" , and "about"...

What are dots 1 and dots 1, 2, 4 for "after" 
dots 1 and dots 1, 2, 4, 5 for "again" 
dots 1 and dots 1, 2 for  "about" ?


The shortform for c (1st cell) and d (2nd cell) AND The shortform for c (1st cell) and d (2nd cell)

What is would  and could?


Find all the contractions in the sentence: Which color is your favorite this blue color or the red?

What are...Which color is your favorite this blue color or the red?


True or false: You can not use the "wh" and "this" groupsigns in this example - Did the kids say when they are going to watch this movie...?

What is FALSE?

You CAN use the groupsigns: Did the kids say when they are going to watch this movie...?


The Spanish translation for all three shortform word: about, after, and again.

What is the Spanish word for  about is "acera de", the Spanish word for after is "despues" and the Spanish word for again is "otra vez" ?


The Spanish translation for each word: 1) said, 2)little, 3)good, 4)your, 5)him, 6)could, and 7)would.

What is 1)dijo, 2)pequeno/a, 3)bien/bueno, 4)tus, 5)de el, 6)podria, and 7)haria ?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Find all the contractions in the sentence: My little brother thinks he is so good at every game he plays but, he does not realize some people let him win.

What is... My little brother th inks he is so good at every game he plays but, he does not realize some people let him win. (12)


The 2 groupsign pairs you've learned so far and  the whole word's definitions in Spanish.

What are "wh" / "which" & "th" / "this"    AND cual is "which" & esto is "this" in Spanish?
