European Coloinization
Methods of Colonization
New World Economies I
New World Economies II
Colonial Governance
Colonial Conflict
Slavery and Social Issues
Random Grab Bag

The European nation focused primarily on the mineral extraction of wealth from the New World and on spreading Christianity.

What is Spain?


A style of colonial governance that granted land use and semi-forced labor to Spanish rulers over Native Americans.

What is the encomienda system?


This was the primary economic activity of French Colonists in North America.

What is the fur trade?


The primary labor force that was used on the plantation systems of the Chesapeake and southern Atlantic coast.

What were enslaved Africans?


A social/political era where thinkers, such as John Locke, emphasized the importance of natural rights and government by consent.

What is the Enlightenment?


Groups of people who often sought alliances with European powers to gain power over other tribes.

Who were Native Americans?


A unique form of slavery developed during the colonial era, where the enslaved had no fundamental rights and were treated as disposable property.

What is chattel slavery?


The location/name of the largest desert on Earth.

What is Antarctica?


The spread of this was caused by European colonization and contact, leading to significant Native American mortality.

What is disease? What is small pox?


These colonies, unlike the larger plantations of the south, relied upon the development of small towns and mixed export economies.

What are New England colonies?


The export crop upon which the economies of the Chesapeake and North Carolina were most dependent.

What is tobacco?

Economic policies put into practice with the intent of restricting colonial trade in order to financially benefit England.

What are Navigation Acts?


The British colonial region that often governed through participatory town meetings.

What is New England?


One of the largest uprisings of enslaved Africans in the British colonies.

What was the Stono Rebellion of 1739


A term used to describe the kind of resistance enslaved Africans used that centered on slow work, the breaking of tools, and feigned illness.

What is covert resistance?

The maximum total length of a conventional car and boat trailer allowed on US roads.

What is 65 feet?


The name of the first permanent English settlement in North America.

What is Jamestown?


The European nation/peoples who utilized trade alliances and intermarriage more than conquest within the New World.

Who were the French/ French Colonial Society?

Who were the Dutch/ Dutch Colonial Society?


The Middle Colonies were known for the export of these goods.

What are cereal crops?

What are cereal crop exports?


The economic approach that England used to secure wealth that often faced significant colonial resistance and inconsistent enforcement by colonial British authorities (i.e. smuggling)

What is mercantilism?


In Virginia, this was an early form of representative governance.

What is the House of Burgesses?


A conflict between Native Americans and the Spanish that resulted in the natives gaining temporary independence from Spanish Colonial rule. The conflict was primarily started regarding native resistance to colonial enforcement of Catholicism and restricting indigenous rites.

What was the Pueblo Revolt of 1680?


These were colonies of people who escaped slavery and sought to establish a free life.

What were maroon communities?


What is the average distance in miles from the Earth to the Moon? (round to the nearest hundred miles without going over)

What is 238,855 miles?


The term used to describe the exchange of European goods, enslaved Africans, and American commodities across the Atlantic Ocean.

What is the Triangular Trade?

The primary export crop of South Carolina - relied heavily on the labor of enslaved Africans.

What is rice?


Ways of thinking that helped fuel colonial resistance to British control in the colonies.

What are (either) self-governance or Enlightenment ideas?


A conflict fought mostly between British colonists in New England and Native American peoples about land and resource use between 1675 and 1676.

What is Metacom's War or King Philip's War?


A revival of Protestant evangelicalism within the British colonies, seen as a response to the intellectualism of the Enlightenment.

What was the Great Awakening?


The most widely accented number of naturally occurring elements found on Earth. 

What is 92?


Indigenous communities that experienced significant cultural and economic changes after the introduction of European goods, such as horses and guns.

What are Native American communities?


The term used to describe the extensive exchange of goods, labor, and cultural practices between the British Colonies and England

What is the Atlantic Economy?


A policy issued by the British government to restrict colonial expansion beyond the Appalachian Mountains.

What was the Proclamation of 1763?


The term used to describe the alignment of British colonial culture with that of English cultural and political norms

What is Anglicization?


The lose union of Native American groups with whom the British formed alliances - primarily for fighting other European colonial settlers.

What is the Iroquois Confederacy?


The people from this European nation created exclusive and separate communities from Native Americans.

Who were the English/ English Colonists?


Legal policies put into place that helped establish a legal framework for the institution of slavery and enforced racial hierarchies.

What were the Virginia Slave Codes?


The European nation that had the most diverse blending of peoples in the New World, including enslaved Africans, Free Africans, and individuals of mixed ethnicity.

What is Spain/ Spanish Colonial Society?


The British colonial regions that most heavily relied upon the labor of enslaved Africans.

What are the Chesapeake and southern Atlantic Coast?
