What is date of injury we use to determine what type of claim a client has in New South Wales?
The 1st of January 2002
How much is the hearing aid entitlement worth, including fitting fees and accessories, in New South Wales?
What is the Threshold for clients to be eligible for Lump Sum Compensation in South Australia?
8.8% BHL
In which state do we not offer clients HSP Spare Set?
South Australia
What is the Threshold for clients to be eligible for Lump Sum Compensation in Victoria?
10% BHL
What is the NAL table used for NSW clients with a Post 02 D.O.I.?
The 1988 table
What is the cutoff date for Victorian clients?
12th of November 1997
How much is the hearing aid entitlement worth, including fitting fees and accessories, in South Australia?
What are the criteria clients need to meet to be able to make an additional claim for Industrial Deafness?
1. They need to have continued working in noise, and
2. They need to have suffered further BHL
What is the table used for Victorian clients?
The 1988 NAL table
The 1976 NAL table is used for NSW clients who fall under which of the following criteria?
1. Pre 02 D.O.I, or
2. NSW Hurt on Duty Officers, or
3. NSW Coal Miners
What is the cutoff date for South Australian clients?
30th of September 1987
Aside from Hearing Aids and Lump Sum compensation - what is the other entitlement we can claim for in South Australia?
The reimbursement of privately purchased hearing aids
What is the hearing aid entitlement value and legal fees amount for Comcare clients?
$6,500 and 1/3rd of their lumpsum, capped at $9,900?
How much is the hearing aid entitlement worth, including fitting fees and accessories, in Victoria?
What is the body which funds the majority of NSW clients legal fees?
The Independent Review Office (IRO)
What are the thresholds clients need to reach in New South Wales to qualify for Lump Sum compensation, pre 02 and post 02?
6% Pre 2002 and 20.5% Post 2002
What is the legal fee amount for South Australian clients who qualify for Lump Sum Compensation?
1/3rd of their Lump Sum, capped at $8,800
The D.O.I for Comcare clients determines their Threshold for Lump Sum compensation - pre and post September 30th 2001 - what are the 2 Thresholds for these clients?
20% BHL for pre 30/09/01 and 5% BHL for post 30/09/01.
What is the legal fee amount for Victorian clients who qualify for Lump Sum Compensation?
1/3rd of their Lump Sum, capped at $9,900
What occupations make a client an exempt worker in New South Wales?
Firefighters (including volunteers), Paramedics and Police Officers (attested after 1st of April 1988)
What is the BHL clients need to reach for us to open a hearing aid claim across all states? And what is the only exception?
0.5% BHL, the exception being New South Wales Coal Miners at 6% BHL
Presumption applies to clients in South Australia who meet what criteria?
1. They are currently employed, or
2. They have retired within the past 2 years
What are the criteria clients need to meet to be eligible for the HSP program?
1. Having a valid pension card, and either
2. Reaching 23 or above on the 3fahl table in either ear, or
3. Reaching 40 or above on the Hfahl table in either ear
What is the fee for clients making a claim who are the working director of their Last Noisy Employer in Victoria?