What instrument family does a TRUMPET belong to?
Brass family.
How many beats does a WHOLE NOTE get?
4 beats
Describe what DYNAMICS means.
How loud or soft we play (volume).
What does the top number of the TIME SIGNATURE tell us?
How many beats are in a measure.
What describes the SPEED at which music is played?
How many beats does a HALF NOTE get?
2 beats
Describe a PIANO dynamic marking. (P)
Play softly.
Where can we find the KEY SIGNATURE?
At the beginning of each line of music, right next to the treble/bass clef.
Which instrument family does a SNARE DRUM belong to?
Percussion family.
How many beats does a QUARTER NOTE get?
1 beat
Describe a FORTE dynamic marking. (f)
What does the KEY SIGNATURE tell us?
The key of the piece; how many sharps/flats the piece has.
What would tell you that you need to play a section of music over again?
A repeat sign.
How many beats does a DOTTED HALF NOTE get?
3 beats
Describe what you do during a CRESCENDO.
What is the difference between a slur and a tie?
Slur: the notes are different underneath the arched line
Tie: the notes are the same underneath the arched line.
Describe a "FERMATA".
How many beats do 2 EIGHTH NOTES equal? (a ti-ti)
1 beat
Describe what you do during a DECRESCENDO.
You gradually get softer.
Describe a "PICKUP MEASURE".
A certain amount of beats that come before the first full measure of the song.