Top rail of a guard rail system should be able withstand this amount of weight when applied in a downward force.
what is 200 pounds
each suspension rope used in adjustable suspension scaffolds shall be capable of supporting at least this many times the maximum intended load.
what is 6 times the intended load
Before each work shift and after any occurrence that can affect the scaffolds integrity.
on rolling towers all casters must be provided with them.
what are positive locking devices (brakes)
a rigid connection that holds one scaffold member in a fixed position in respect to anther member or to a building or structure.
what is a brace?
what is 38 to 45 inches
both these fall protection types must be used on two point suspension scaffold.
what are guardrail and personal fall arrest system.
you cannot apply these materials to top or bottom of wooden platforms.
what are opaque finish
it is the person that has the responsibility to designate who the competent person will be.
who is the Employer
a structure ember of a supported scaffold used to increase the base width in order to provide support and increase stability of a scaffold
what is the definition of an outrigger.
midrails must be installed at approximately this height.
what is midway between the platform and the top rail.
whenever swinging loads are being hoisted close to a scaffold where they may contact the scaffold they must be used.
what are taglines or equivalent control measures?
It is the minimum distance that must be maintained between the scaffold and uninsulated power lines 50kv and less.
what is 10ft.
In most cases all scaffold platforms must be at least this wide.
what is 18inches?
stands pipes vents electrical conduit
what are the items that specifically listed that are not sound for tieback
10 ft from the ground or lower level.
what is trigger height requiring fall protection on scaffolding.
besides tiebacks and suspension cables these must be also connected to outrigger beams.
what are counter wieghts?
if the front edge of the scaffold is more than this distance away from the face of the work a guardrail must be installed or a PFAS must be utilized.
what is 14 inches.
they should be used to distribute supported type scaffold to the ground or supporting structure.
what are baseplates and mudsills
what is the Acronym for Personal fall Arrest system.
cross bracing is acceptable in place of a midrail as long as the crossing point is between these two distances.
what is crossing point 20 and 30 inches
one or more platforms suspended by ropes or other nonrigid means from an overhead structure.
what is a suspended scaffold?
scaffold planks must extend over their end supports not less than this distance (unless secure)
what is six inches.
if access to the scaffold is more than this distance above or below the point of access some type of approved ladder or stare must be used
what is 24" or 2'
a person who by possession of a recognized degree or certificate or professional standing or who by extensive knowledge training and experience demonstrates the ability to resolve problems related to subject matter work or project.
what is a qualified person