Compassion Fatigue
Secondary Traumatic Stress

Define trauma.

What is, a stressful or frightening event that is difficult to cope with and leave an individual feeling out of control?  


Define burnout.

What is physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress?  


Define compassion fatigue. 

What is, profound emotional and physical erosion that takes place over the course of time as helping professionals


Name the diference between trauma and secondary trauma. 

What is, secondary trauma is the emotional duress after having knowledge of a trauma experience of someone else? 


Define resilence. 

What is, the ability to recover and move on in the face of difficult circumstances, having the ability to "bounce back?"  


Name 2 types of trauma.

What is, sexual abuse, physical abuse, car accidents, homlessness, poverty, witnessing domestic violence, neighborhood violence, bullying, etc....? 

*100 bonus points for naming a trauma that is not listed. 


The first stage of burnout is...

A) Physical and emotional exhaustation; B)Shame and doubt; C) Failure and helplessness; D) Cynicism and callouseness     

What is A?


What are the causes of compassion fatigue. 

What is, critical care work, high mortality rates, lack of support, unstable management, stressful home environment...etc?


True or false, client care is compromised if the provider is experiencing secondary trauma. 

What is, true?


True or false, building resilence is something we can do independently? 

What is, false?


What is the most common predictor of someone who will be exposed to trauma? 

What is, there are no predictors of who will be exposed to trauma.


The therapist can reduce the risk of burnout by...

A) Planning time alone with limited social contacts and interactions; B) Recognizing and responding to his or her own internal stress signals; C) Acknowledging that the therapist's own feelings are more important than the feelings of others; D) Teaching clients to take accountability. 

What is B

Name some of the signs that you maybe experiencing compassion fatigue. 

What is, irritability, being withdrawn from co-workers, family, and friends, moody, appetite changes, unable to get adequate sleep, and isolating one's self?


True or false, a provider who experiences secondary traumatic stress increases their likelihood of leaving their field all together. 

What is, true?


True or false, when we think of someone who is resilient this means we do not have to check-in on how they are handling their stress, they are more than likely managing just fine. 

What is, false? 


Name 3 or more symptoms of PTSD. 

What are, nightmares, flashbacks, regressive behaviors such as wetting the bed, hypervigilance, depressed/irritability mood, dissociative reactions, persistence avoidance, memories of the trauma, distorted cognitions, sleep disturbance? 

*100 bonus points for listing a symptom that was not on the list  


Carol's counselor told her that recovery from burnout would be enhanced by all but one of the following actions:

A) Grieving for losses of all kinds; B) Confronting denial and cynicism; C) Taking on new challneges to prove one's abilities; D) Establishing personal boundaries between oneself and others. 

What is C


Name ways to manage compassion fatigue. 

What is, make time to excercise, improve sleeping habits, take time off, practicing mindfulness, eating well balanced meals, etc.?


Name at least 3 factors that increases the risk of secondary trauma. 

What is, having own trauma background, higher trauma caseloads, inadequate training, socially and organizationally isolated?

*100 bonus points for naming something that is not on the screen. 

What are ways to build emotional resilence as a provider? 

What is, when you engage in regular reflection on things?


How does trauma relate to epigenetics?

What is, epigenetics as a factor of intergenerational trauma? 


As a support specialist you must work early mornings and stay late getting very little time for self-care. Your colleague observes that you speak abruptly with a parent and easily becomes annoyed with the parent begins to cry. You realize you are becoming increasingly distressed and that you have not had anytime for self-care. As a result you.... (Can be multiple answers)

A) Minimize your communication with parents so you do not offend them; B) Express negative comments to your colleagues about the parents who annoy you; C) Talk to your supervisor to shift your schedule; D) Call off sick as frequently as you can without violating policies. 

What is A and C


What are some indicators of job performance that you are experiencing compassion fatigue. 

What is, avoidance of certain parents or teachers, hypervigilant response to certain cases, diminished sense of purpose/enjoyment, feelings of therapeutic inability or helpelessness? 

*100 bonus points naming something that is not up here. 


True or false, an individual who is experiencing secondary trauma may have symptoms closely related to PTSD. 

What is, true? 


What are the 4 types of resiliency? 

What is, physical, emotional, mental, and social?
