What are the 4 building blocks of theory development?
What, How, Why, Limiting Conditions (who, what,where)
Name three parts of an article that are not theory
References, Data, Lists of Variables, Diagrams, Hypotheses
Things labeled as theory are often ____ theory
Meaning close
Name two of the additional factors proposed to the TTD
initial trust, self-confidence, built trust, explanation
Aspect that is necessary but not sufficient for tech dominance
Three factors considered in judging conceptual papers is:
What's new, so what, why so, well done, done well, why now, who cares
(any 3)
A case against theory is to take a pause and develop this
fundamental knowledge
A hypothesis says ___ not why
Experts with low familiarity and low initial trust are ___ likely to rely on a DA than an expert with low familiarity and high initial trust
If task complexity increases, reliance typically
Theoretical papers are often modifications of
existing theory
The authors recommend this as a possible solution to publish more theory
Standards used to evaluate how well a theory is tested need to be relaxed
Which is the least useful in the parts of an article listed
lists of variables or constraints
When given this type of explanation, a users self confidence and built trust play key roles in reliance
Technology dominance is when a DA does what
takes primary control over the decision making
The author claims this element to be the most valuable in theory
Data is which, theory is ___
Should this key part of theory be included in papers, or just the theory itself
If an incongruent explanation is given to a user with low self confidence, and high built trust, will they have a tendency toward/away from reliance?
Illusion of Control
When evolving an existing theory, the theorist needs to show how __ are affected
References are often used as a smoke screen to hide what
the absence of theory
Give a reason in which a DA could improve the accounting field
The article used this non-accounting example regarding de-skilling due to DA's