This native of Brussels, Belgium, debuted in France in 1954.
Who is Jacques Brel
These "water horses" are closer related to whales than equines.
What are hippos?
This "Children's Poet" wrote over 1,000 poems including one that would inspire a line of dolls.
Who is James Whitcomb Riley?
This mad scientist from a 1974 is not to be mistaken for the mad scientist of literary fame from over 100 years earlier.
Who is Frankenstein (Feankenshteen)
This Pennsylvania princess tragically passed away aged 52 of a cerebral hemorrhage induced motor accident.
Who is Princess Grace?
This Tutsi Belgian artist Paul van Haver, is known in French discos by this name.
Who is Stromaé?
Not a bear at all, the German "waschbär," or wash bear, is actually this.
What is a raccoon?
This Ohio native made Brown County famous with his gag-a-day, Abe Martin.
Who is Kin Hubbard?
This Manhattan thoroughfare is not the biggest city in Texas.
What is Houston?
This descendant of Muhammad cameoed in Star Trek: Voyager while he was prince.
Who is King Abdullah II
This American singer came to France as a child when his father was blacklisted from Hollywood.
Who is Joe Dassin?
Despite it's name, this alpine herbivore is actually a sheep.
What is a mountain goat.
This YA author was a "vlogbrother" with his brother Hank.
Who is John Green?
This Led Zeppelin song takes its inspiration and name from an island nation.
What is D'yer Mak'er?
This German noble wrote on Jewish right and women's autonomy. He resented how his name was used by contemporary psychology.
Who is con Sacher-Masoch?
This famous author's father was a Brigadier General from Haiti.
Who is Alexandre Dumas?
This diminutive critter is more elephant than it is mouse
What is a hyrax?
This satirist survived the Dresden bombings as a POW.
Who is Kurt Vonnegut
This lake side town was not built by Thomas Jefferson but instead is home to Indiana Beach
What is Monticello?
This soldier became an expert in Semitic languages after a military career in China.
Who is Takuhito Mikasa?
A pop singer born and raised in Egypt, he fled to Europe with his family at age 17 in 1956.
Who is Claude Francois?
This slow-moving pipefish is likened to a much faster land animal.
What is a seahorse?
This Civil War General's biblical hero makes a Krimbus appearance.
Who is Lew Wallace?
You probably won't find any vampires in this Georgian town.
What is Dacula?
This Russian poet's family was enobled by Peter the Great, one of the notable African families in European nobility.
Who is Alexander Pushkin?