The 4 C's
Understanding Time
All Categories

What are the 4 Cs? 

1. Clean 

2. Customize 

3. Categorize 

4. Continue 

What is time management? 

Give me an example. 

Allocating the time that you have to the things that you have to do. 

Ex: I have 30 minutes left in class so I am going to spend 5 minutes taking a break and the other 25 working on my study guide for my test tomorrow. 


What is short term memory?

Give me an example. 

Short term memory is information that is received from your 5 senses - it is stored in short term memory. 

Ex: Your friend gives you a phone number verbally and you repeat it in your head until you are able to write it down


What is something you could do to help you remember the order of operations in math?

Mnemonic devices! Like acronyms (PEMDAS) 



Tell me everyones name and grade in this room









How often should you clean out your backpack and folders/papers? 

AT LEAST every month, every semester for sure!! 


Why is time management something that is so useful for students as they get older and older? 

It helps us accomplish more and reduce stress! As students get older, the academic demands and rigor increases which means that you will have less time to get more done and time management will help you stay on top of everything be successful! 


What is working memory? 

Give me an example. 

Working Memory is when we hold of 'juggle' information in our mind and manipulate that information. 

Ex: Mental math. 39/6 = ? 


What is this mnemonic device helping you remember? 

My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos 

order of the planets 

mercury - venus - earth - mars - jupiter - saturn - uranus - neptune 

Is Ms. Stuti a cat person or a dog person?

CAT (I have 2)

I do love all animals tho, my dream would be to live on a farm with no humans and just animals <3 


what are some ways you could customize and categorize all the work in your binders/ backpack? 

Folders! Binder dividers! Literally anything that will help keep you organized!! 


There are two types of clocks that can help us develop a knowledge of time - what are they and describe them. 

Internal Clock - tells us when we are hungry, tired, thirsty, sleepy 

External Clock - tells us the time, helps us keep track of the month weeks and days. 

We get to listen to both in order for our day to be most successful! 


What is Long Term Memory? 

Give me an example. 

Long term memory is the storage house of the brain - important information is stored there for long periods of time. 

Example: home address, parents phone #, lyrics to your favorite song


Name all 5 of the world oceans using this mnemonic device: All Possible Iguanas Are Sold. 

Arctic - Pacific - Indian - Atlantic - Southern


What do you think Ms. Stuti's favorite color is? 


What step of the 4 C's is the hardest and why? 

Continue - it is difficult to maintain good habits across a long period of time. 


What are the three parts that will help us develop an estimate of how long something will take? 

1. Understanding time 

2. Understanding the task 

3. Estimation Ability 


How are short-term memory and working memory different? 

Short term you just hold it (phone #) 

working memory is you work with the information that you have (mental math)


Name all 5 great lakes using this mnemonic device


Huron - Ontario - Michigan - Erie - Superior

Show me your backpacks, group with the most organized backpacks gets the point 

boo yah 


What is one way you can make the organizing and cleaning process more fun? 

Do it with friends! Make it a scheduled thing, first of each month we all have a study date and we clean our binders and maybe get new notebooks or new folders to make it fun and exciting. Maybe you guys could decorate binder covers for each other!


Lets say your history teacher assigns a presentation in class that is due in 2 weeks. It must be 10 minutes long and must accompany a slideshow that you made that is at least 20 slides. 

Create a schedule for yourself that would show me you can get it done in 2 weeks 


Do 2 slides everyday for 10 days and then work on practicing the presentation after you are done

Do 4 slides everyday for 5 days then work on practicing the presentation to master it! 


Tell me what types of memory is being used in the following three scenarios: 

1. I mentally calculate my grade on a test (45/50=?) 

2. Your crush tells you their phone number and you repeat it in your head until you can put it in your phone. 

3. Someone asks you for your home address and you tell them without even thinking about it. 

1. Working Memory (90%)

2. Short Term Memory 

3. Long Term Memory


Tell me one thing you loved about this class 

literally anything nice will count 


What is my name and how do you spell it? 

Ms. Stuti
