Health Pyramids
Conflict Concerns
Mental Health Disorders

The health triangle shows a balance in these 3 areas of the person

What is physical, mental/emotional, and social?


In striving to gain clarity within a conflict one should avoid hearing an attack but rather, do what when in conversation ?

What is it to LISTEN?


Complete this sentence - The 4 communication styles include; Assertive style, Passive-Aggressive style, Aggressive style, and __________?

What is Passive style?


Finish this popular quote "What consumes your mind, CONTROLS your __________ ."

What is LIFE ?


Mental disorders are illnesses that affect a person's thoughts, feelings and ________ ?

What are Behaviors ?


One half of all Americans live with a ____________?

What is a Chronic Disease?


Of the 5 conflicts styles; avoiding, compromising, accommodating, collaborating and competing  . . . which is considered the most productive style?

What is collaborating style?


Of the 4 communication style, which is the most commonly used style by most people?

What is the Passive style?


Suppressed feelings can lead to what what health issues? 

What is Anxiety and/or Depression? 


Mental disorders derive from 2 main things - if Genetics is one, the other cause would be what?  

What is Environment? 


What is the first (primary) level of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs?

What are physiological necessities (food, water, sleep)?


Of the 5 conflicts styles; avoiding, compromising, accommodating, collaborating and competing  . . . which type is known to be the most commonly used style by all types of people?

What is the Avoiding style?


Name one way a Passive style communicator is created.

  • Grow up in extremely considerate households (modeling)

  • Obedience is paramount and/or a violent household

  • Child’s requests, needs, or boundaries are never respected


This term refers to how capable you are to adapt and respond to stressful developments in your life.

What is Emotional Resilience? 


According to the DSM V . . .Phobia, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Panic disorder, Post-Traumatic disorder (PTSD), and Generalized Anxiety disorder (GAD) are all categorized as what type of mental disorder?

What is Anxiety Disorder?


Achieving this level on Maslow's Hierarchy could mean that you are able to do more, produce more, help more, or be more excellent than you have been so far? 

What is Self Actualization?


What gives one the ability to influence a relationship due to perceived control of one over the other?

What is POWER?


This style of communication is designed to disguise your aggression so that you can avoid taking responsibility for it.  

What is Passive-Aggressive style?


Build a support system, Confront your fears, Learn to be assertive and create change, Evaluate your thoughts, Mindfulness exercises, and self forgiveness are all examples of what?

What are Emotional Resilience exercises?


People who have difficulty regulating their emotions to a point that interferes with their sense of identity, their ability to self-direct, their ability to show empathy, and and creating or managing intimacy, may have this type of mental disorder?

What is a Personality disorder?


This man was the founder of Humanistic psychology and believed psychologists focused too much on mental health disorders while ignoring the psychology of normal behavior.

Who is Abraham Maslow?


When discussing healthy conflict management, the acronym TRIP is used to identify the 4 goals of conflict.  They are - T - Topic, R - Relational, I - Identity and P, for what final goal?

What is Process?


Only strategy that allows us and others to fully BE in the relationship.

What is the Assertive communication style?


What is the main concept in the, Theory of the emotional scale?

What does it mean to have to have the power to move UP the scale?


 This name for this term is unfortunate because it implies someone’s personhood is inherently disordered. But this isn’t actually what the term means. It simply refers to a consistent, long-term pattern of behavior versus a mood disorder, like depression, which is an experience that is inconsistent with how someone normally feels or acts

What is a Personality disorder?
