What is a mountain?
What process involves the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces?
What is a map?
A flat drawing that shows the features of an area.
What feature of Earth’s surface is most common along the coasts?
What is the tallest mountain on Earth?
Mount Everest.
What is a valley?
A low area between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it.
What is the process that moves sediment from one place to another?
What is a topographic map?
A map that uses contour lines to show elevation and shape of the land.
What type of landforms are often found near tectonic plate boundaries?
Mountains, volcanoes, or earthquakes.
What is the deepest point in the ocean?
Mariana Trench.
What type of landform is created by lava flowing out of a volcano?
A volcanic mountain or island.
What is deposition?
The process where sediment is dropped off and builds up landforms.
What do the colors blue and green usually represent on maps?
Water (blue) and land (green).
Why are earthquakes more common in certain areas of the world?
They occur near tectonic plate boundaries.
How old is the Earth?
About 4.5 billion years old.
What is a plateau?
A flat area of land that is higher than the land around it.
What natural event can cause the Earth's surface to shake?
An earthquake.
What is the term for a model that represents the Earth's surface features?
A physical model or relief model.
What is the name of the pattern of volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean?
The Ring of Fire.
What is the longest river in the world?
The Nile or Amazon River (depending on measurement).
Name a landform created by erosion.
Canyon, like the Grand Canyon.
What process happens when molten rock cools and hardens?
Formation of igneous rock.
Why do scientists use models?
To study and explain natural processes and systems on a smaller scale.
What type of map shows patterns in population or resources?
A thematic map.
What is the largest desert on Earth?
Antarctica (cold desert) or the Sahara (hot desert).