What festival launched Valentine's Day?
When is Valentine's Day?
February 14th.
Where did St. Valentine live?
Who helped marry couple's in ancient Rome although it was forbidden?
St. Valentine
Name one thing people exchange on Valentine's Day.
Notes, flowers, gifts, etc..
Who did St. Valentine write letters to?
Jailer's daughter.
Who ruled over Rome at the time?
Emperor Claudius II
What does Valentine's Day celebrate?
Kindness, love, and friendship.
What did St. Valentine do that was illegal?
Helped couples get married.
St. Valentine’s act of sending love letters led to this common phrase still used today.
"From you Valentine"
Initially, what did Lupercalia celebrate?
It was a time to honor the Roman god of agriculture and the coming of spring.
Why did St. Valentine go to prison?
For helping couples get married illegally.