In which year was Minecraft officially released?
Chester, Mike, Brad, Joe, Dave and Rob
Linkin Park
In The Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill?
Red pill
Who is the "Father" of peanuts?
George Washington Carver
Which musical tells the story of two friends named Elphaba and Galinda?
What was the first fast food restaurant in China?
Julian, Fabrizio, Albert, Nick and Nikolai
The Strokes
What are the dying words of Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane?
Nickname for the peanut
Which rapper has directed an orchestra while recording “2 seater”?
Tyler, The Creator
How many studio album did Nirvana release
Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob
My Chemical Romance
What as the first feature length animated movie ever released?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Peanut butter was originally made for people who__
Did not have teeth
What was the first rock-n-roll song to hit #1 on the charts?
Rock around the clock
What was the first fast food restaurant to offer a complete “lite” menu?
M, Rev, Synyster, Zacky and Brooks
Avenged Sevenfold
What was the name of the skyscraper in Die Hard?
Who are the characters in The Muppets peanut gallery?
Statler and Waldorf
Where are the sharks from in West Side Story?
Puerto Rico
What name did Lil Wayne originally go by?
Shrimp Daddy
Brandon, Ronnie, Mark and Dave
The Killers
What shocking Wes Craven horror movie carried the marketing tagline, "To avoid fainting, keep repeating, 'It's only a movie...'"?
The Last House on the Left
There were two Presidents who were peanut farmers, name one.
Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter
Which band got its name by taking the first letter of each band member’s name?