What studio do I dance at?
Studio 73 dance
Where do I live currently?
Davidson, Nc
Name my three sisters names?
Chloe, Melena, Savannah
What grade did I com to DK8?
What is my favorite color?
Who is my duet partner this year?
Addison Lee
What city did a live in Prior to living in my current house?
Charlotte, Nc
What collage did my mom graduate from?
UNC Chapel Hill
Who is my Favorite teacher?
2nd Mr Mikesell
What is my favorite hobby?
Baking or hanging with friends
What competition troupe am I on?
Teen troupe
What state did I move to NC from?
How old is Daisy, Jake, and Lucy?
Daisy: 3
Lucy: 12 weeks or 3 months
Name my current schedule?
Ela, Spanish or Pe, Science or SS, Math
Favorite vacation spot?
What are the four main styles of dance?
Tap, Jazz, Ballet, and Lyrical
Is my mom originally from NC or CA?
North Carolina
Cultivate Dance Company
Who were my four sixth grade teachers?
Mrs.Higgins, Mrs.Buell, Mrs. Kennelly, and Mrs.Bannon
What do i want to be when im older?
NICU Nurse
Where was my 2022 Dance Nationals?
Nashville, Tennessee
How old was I when i moved from CA to NC?
6 years old
What do I call my moms side grandparents?
Gram and Pepaw
What is my grade in ELA?
What is the name of the school i went to for 1st-3rd grade?
Cotswold Elementary