decision의 뜻은?
결심, 결정
'추구하다'는 영어로?
'조언'은 영어로?
'용기'는 영어로?
'bold'의 뜻은?
대담한, 용기있는
Oooooops! Sorry~~~
'시행착오'는 영어로?
trial and error
'realize'의 뜻 2가지는?
1. 깨닫다
2. 실현하다
'in my case'의 뜻은?
나의 경우에는
I hope my story can i______e you.
(본문의 빈칸에 알맞은 동사는?)
'내 인생에 대해 생각할 기회' (단어를 참고하여 영작하시오)
( chance / think about )
chance to think about my life
Happy for you~~~
(틀린곳 고치기)
Before college, he got a job at an engineering company.
Before - After
Pursuing dreams ( is / are ) not easy.
(정답과 이유는?)
is 동명사주어는 단수 취급
저는 대담한 결심을 했어요(영작)
I made a bold decision.
Ooooops. sorry!
I could feel my heart (beat / to beat / beating) fast.
정답과 그 이유는?
beat / beating
I'm going to tell you how did I find my dream and realized it.
(틀린부분 고치기)
how I found
To give someone the desire or courage to do something.(영영풀이에 맞는 단어 말하기)
Think about (you,to do, like, what) and (makes, happy, what, you). 순서대로 배열하기
what you like to do / what makes you happy
_____ your heart, _____ hard, ____ bold
follow / work / be
Keep or Change?
Change Points!
I truly hope you ___ a dream, _____ it, and ____ it.
나는 사진을 찍는것이 나를 행복하게 만든다는 것을 깨달았어요. (영작)
(realize/take pictures/ happy/made)
I realized (that) taking pictures made me happy.